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"Alright, bub. It's dinner time. Let's go inside." Jungkook raced up to Yoongi and grabbed his leg, looking up innocently. 

"Need something?" Jungkook pouted and nodded. The elder rolled his eyes playfully.

"Want me to carry you?"

"Yes please." The little thrust his arms into the air. Yoongi carried him inside and settled him into the high chair. He started making mac and cheese on the stove. Swinging his legs, Jungkook waited patiently. Soon a plastic bowl of gooey noodles was served. The little bit the side of his lip in concentration, latching onto the spoon and trying to bring it to his mouth. Yoongi smiled.

"Here. Like this." He corrected the younger's grip and lead the food to his mouth.

"Thank you." They ate in silence. Jungkook looked up as Yoongi took the dishes.

"Where's daddy?" 

"He's taking a nap, love." 

"Can we go see him?"

"Not yet. In a couple of hours okay? Daddy's tired."

"But I want to see him!" Yoongi put everything away and wiped Jungkook's mouth.

"Shhhh, baby. Daddy needs to sleep. How about we color him a nice picture?"

"Okay!" As soon as his feet touched the floor, the little raced into his bedroom, Yoongi hot on his heels. The elder handed him a stack of coloring books and carried the crayons into the living room. Jungkook threw down the books, picking out a Lady and the Tramp one and laying on his stomach. Yoongi set the crayons nearby and took a seat on the couch. Without even opening the book, the younger jumped up and raced over. He thrust the book cover in Yoongi's face.

"Can we watch this movie?"

"Right now?"

"Yes please!"

"Sure thing. Thank you for your manners." Jungkook smiled brightly. He was basically glued to Yoongi's side as he put in the DVD. 

"There you go. All done." Jungkook squeezed his waist.

"Thank you, Appa." 

"Anytime, little one." He smiled, smoothing Jungkook's hair.

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