17: 𝕾𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕹' 𝕯𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌

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"Smithers." Veronica and Mateo greeted the older man as he organized some paperwork. So far, they've been able to avoid their father and hopefully it would stay that way.

"Oh, wait, Ms.Veronica, Mr. Mateo. You might want to take the side exit.'' He ran over as they both stopped confused at the warning.

"Why?" Veronica inquired, her eyebrows ruffling in confusion. Whatever it was had to be important since Smithers never seemed wary.

"Yeah, why, Smithers? Because they might bump into me coming in from an early run?" Speak of the devil, Mateo thought as their father stopped in front of the two. Sweat ran down his head as he pulled out his headphones and stared at the two.

"Good morning, Father." They both responded as Mateo internally sighed at the run in. He was thinking of everything he could do to avoid him since last night.

"Mija. Hijo. You two leave before breakfast, you come after your mother and I have had dinner. I can't remember the last time we had meal together as a family." His gaze bore into the two and Mateo slightly scoffed. Either he was lying or he was given a concussion when he was arrested because the night of the arrest was seared in Mateo's memory. It wasn't hard to forget considering he was literally dragged out of the house in the middle of dinner and arrested.

"I can. It was at the Dakota. The day you got arrested." Veronica instantly responded as she glared at their father. His father's stoic gaze unwavering as Veronica gave him attitude.

"Well, perhaps we should talk about that. Tonight, at dinner. The four of us." He suggested, glancing back and forth between the two. His suggestion more to Veronica as Mateo glanced at Smithers. He had retreated to his desk and was playing busy.

"Unfortunately, I have plans. To quote that New Yorker cartoon, how about never, Dad, is never good for you?"  She leaned in before storming away.

"Unfortunately I'm rather busy as well, Father. Maybe we can save it for another day." He spoke, noticing his father clenching his jaw before swiftly following Veronica.

                                          ♥ ♥ ♥

After completing the final class before lunch, Mateo quickly found Cheryl. "Please tell me you don't have any plans this evening." Mateo leaned on the locker next to Cheryl. Her eyebrows furrowing and looked back at him through the mirror.

"No, I don't. Why?" She asked closing her locker as they both walked outside.

"That's why." He sighed, taking in his father and Veronica speaking. His arm holding flowers and on the table, a black box. No doubt Cartier. His father groveling was a new one but not a surprise.

"Your father's back in town?" She turned to him, gazing his reaction. A slight nod showed his distaste at the sight as his nose flared slightly.

"Let's go before he notices us." They quickly walked away from the two Lodges who were deep in conversation.

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