I13I - Graveyard Smash

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Roger's P.O.V-

I pull the gray vest over my arms and then stare in the mirror as I button up my black jeans. Tonight's the night of the party that I've been waiting for. Jay does a Halloween party at his house every year, and usually, I'm ecstatic for it each year. Dancing with friends, having a few drinks, no responsibilities. For some reason, it doesn't seem nearly as exciting as it was to me last year. I don't know if it's because I'm not wearing an actual costume, but instead, I'm shirtless only covered by an opened vest and you can see a few bruises on my belly and arms. Or if it's because I don't really want anything to happen between Jay and I that can get on the internet and stay there for the rest of my life, for people like Brian to see.

Luckily, Brian agreed to pick me up with no problem because I don't really trust my car sitting out there where any High school student can have access to do whatever they want to it. I feel like my mum would kill me if anything bad happened to the car that she bought. I also think Brian was pretty shocked when I told him my neighborhood because I guess this is known as the "rich neighborhood" which is a bit of an overstatement...

I think.

I hear my phone vibrate on top of my nightstand, causing me to spin around and walk up to it and see there is a notification from Brian so I open it up to read it.

Curly Man: I'm here :)

I sigh, shutting off my phone and putting it in my pocket. I walk out of my bedroom to run downstairs very quickly, which is what I am now pro at now after years of running up and down this spiral, slippery staircase that, Yes, I have had many fails of running on them.

"Bye, mum!" I yell, unlocking the door. "Roger!" I hear my mom yell and rush into the room behind me so I turn around impatiently, ready to see what she wants and leave. She rests her hands on my shoulders and looks at me deeply. "Hm?"

She gives me a serious look, "Make sure your home by twelve. No staying out after that. Not this time."

"Yeah, yeah. Got it. Curfew." I say, as I really don't care. She always gives me a curfew but I never follow it and I guess it does make my mom very scared for my well-being. I really don't blame her. I try to leave but her grip tightens. "I'm serious, Roger. Also no smoking or drinking this time. Please."

It's weird. She used to have so much authority in her voice, now after so many times I haven't ever listened to her going out to things like this, it's like she's just begging. That must be all she can even do. I feel bad, but that's just who I am. I can't change because I'm not a good person.

"Mmhm. Can I go now?"

"I love you, Roggie." He rested a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

I cringe a little at the name she had called me once again. God, I hate that name.

"Love you too. Say bye to Claire for me." I finally take my time to smile, and walk out the door, closing it behind me. I spot Brian's car parked halfway on my driveway so I grin and make my way over.

I go ahead and get inside and just as I shut the door I happily greet him, "Hey, Bri!" It seems like he was taken by surprise because he almost drops the phone he's holding and snaps his head towards me, "O-Oh! Hey, Rog!"

He puts his phone down as I buckle my seat belt and I notice he's kind of staring at me (again). I look over to see his expression looking very confused, looking me up and down like some kind of popular girl or some shit. "Yes?"

"I thought we weren't wearing a costume?" He states jokingly. Honestly, my outfit is way better than his! He's only wearing a black denim jacket and a black shirt, and black plants which are all black while I look like a fucking goddess for once. Yes, he does look hot but I look beautiful.  "This isn't a costume! You're just jealous I look good for once!"

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