I18I - Goodbye, Deaky

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*Roger's P.O.V-*

Brian and I make our way out of the cold ice cream shop, holding our own little bowls of the ice cream we ordered on this nice, windy, Sunday afternoon. I had ordered the vanilla ice cream, as that's usually what I order any rare time I get ice cream. I think it's the only one I've ever tried. I don't go out to icecream as normally as other kids my age do often... I never found it as a thing to ever buy. But when I got a very shakey phone call from Bri, him shyly asking to get icecream with me, I didn't even hesitate to accept.

He helped me yesterday with my math homework and I just love hanging with and talking to Brian all the time, anyways. When I'm around Brian, it seems like all my worries just melt away and all I want to do is talk to him about anything! Whether it's from The Beatles or Elton John all the way to our own personal problems. I really care about him.

As we find a small table to sit at outside, Brian's explaining how amazing the flavor he got is.

"You see, Cookie Dough is just great. This is all I used to get when I was a child! I remember just going to the playground with my mum and bragging to the confused children about my spectacular ice cream!" Brian laughs to himself as he pulls one of the chairs out to sit down as I sit down in the one across from him, "Of course at the time I thought they were so jealous, but I'm pretty sure they gave zero fucks about my Cookie Dough icecream..."

I laugh out as I play around with my spoon, squinting my eyes slightly as the sun is shining right in my face and I try moving my head down a little so that Brian's large curly hair would block it more. "It must be really good to make you think all that..."

"Of course! Have you ever tried it, Rog?" Brian's eyes light up as he sets the bowl onto the table and he leans in more. He seems to get really excited by the talk of Cookie Dough ice cream. It's kinda cute.

I pretend to think for a moment, without even having to, as I know for a fact that I haven't. It's quite sad and embarrassing actually, I'm pretty sure it's a popular flavor too. I lift the spoon and put some of the Vanilla into my mouth, hesitating to really speak about it, but I shake my head slowly staring down at my own bowl on the table. I really should've gotten more icecream in my life-time... now I'm embarrassed!

"Oh," Brian softly says, but I suddenly feel his feet nudge against mine gently underneath the table, causing me to suddenly peer up at him to see a friendly, comforting smile. "Do you wanna try it?"

I don't know how to reply, because I just don't want to take the food he bought. I only shrug, as I'm still a little curious. Brian looks down at his own icecream to lift the spoon up with some Cookie Dough placed upon it And it's a little melted already. It's not even that hot out here and it's already melting!

Brian moves his arm towards me over the table to gesture the spoon close to my face. I look at it confused, understanding what he wants me to do but I'm not sure? Brian seems like a really clean person and it's not like he would ever want to feed me, so why is he doing this? There's no reason...

I narrow my eyebrows up at him and I largen my puzzled eyes. I watch his arm start to shiver slightly from holding it up too long. Brian finally speaks to help me understand more, "Go on,"

So he does want to feed me?

You see, it's fun teasing Brian and all but I think now he's trying to tease me and play it off like he's shy! Well, he's still not going to win, because I'm the master at teasing. And maybe he should learn that. It's not like I like my friend in that way... he just gets all shy and confused when I do it and it's funny. And it's not like he likes me either. That must be why he gets so awkward... I'm too close to him and maybe he thinks I'm flirting too much...

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