I24I - Heart Returns

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*Freddie's P.O.V-*


I watch back and forth to make sure no monitors were to show up and escort me to the office for being our side of a classroom that's on a completely different side of the school than my own class but creepily waiting on the sidelines. I pretty much consider myself a pro, as I've ditched class and waited for John outside of his classrooms many times before.

I really hope this will be the last trecoursous time I'm trying to talk to John. The last time I tried was last week and I decided to give up and just cry myself to sleep every night. But what Brian suggested to me at lunch, I really need to try. I know I never say to anyone that I miss them out loud and miss doing things as a group in the past, but it was all I've been thinking about. Luckily Brian easily forgave me, And I hope he is correct about Roger forgiving me. He still was ignoring my messages and I have no clue why he wasn't there at lunch. I just hope him and Brian aren't fighting, or that Roger found out about Brian's feelings and hates him now.

I bite the skin of the inside of my cheek as I lean against the wall by John's English class. Before I could realize the time, I hear the loud school bell ring and it is my instinct to nervously stick my hands into the pockets of my sweatpants. I have no clue what is going to happen, or if he will just stand me up, like what he did when I kept going to his house like a stalker.

Beyond my eyes, the many freshmen crowded to get out of the room all at once, some of them eyeing me in fear. There are a few I recognize that I've threatened for touching John at all as well.

I notice John not coming out yet, but I do know he usually is last to come out. He used to make it the excuse that he was just talking to the teacher about classwork but I am pretty sure that he is just scared he'll get trampled by everyone else. Because if he was really avoiding me, he would rush to get out and not even bother talking to the teacher.

Once the doorway is empty, I wait for a moment, staring intently but out of the way. Finally, John walks out and takes a glance at me, but it doesn't take very long and who's soon to be storming off quickly. I am seriously not used to his new hair, it is even weirder for him not to be talking to me about it. I do not know if he is trying to make a statement because I told him not to change his "Deaky hair" or not. But the joke's on him because I think his puff is adorable. God, I love him so much.

I follow behind him and try to get his attention so he could pay attention to what I needed to say.

"Deaky." I seriously say, only seeing his back as he tries to ignore me. I sigh in annoyance to myself, then I clear my throat to talk louder. "Deaky!"

There's still no stop from him and he doesn't hesitate to even walk faster. It feels like I'm technically chasing him. My entire brain takes over in frustration and I finally stop my feet where I am standing and clench my fists, not bothering to be childish and chase him anymore. "John, I miss you!"

I feel my ears heat, knowing I've never once said that to him ever and I'm shocked with myself. To my surprise, this causes him to stop right where he is, but he doesn't bother to turn around. I decided to step a little closer and breathe deeply before saying what I needed to say. I never rehearsed so it is very stammery at the beginning.

"I hate how you've been neglecting me and not even bothering to talk to me. We were supposed to be best friends no matter what, ever since you were in 6th grade we made that promise with those matching mood rings that we decided not to wear again because they caused blisters. We wore them everywhere for about 2 years until we both agreed on just having them sitting on our nightstands at home." I clear my throat, realizing I'm going off-topic with the want to cry, "Anyways, we made a promise to always help each other through whatever we would be going through. What? You just don't care about me anymore? Over one girl you choose to believe that you have only known since July? You literally made me feel like myself every single day before you left. You complete me, but I am not going to hang on to you if you don't want to interact with me. I need to know if I can get over you too. I am also a human with feelings." I pause, with no reply from John,

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