I12I - Secure

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As soon as I climb into the car, I am quickly in love with the fresh smell flowing throughout, and almost don't notice Roger greeting me as I shut the door.

"Hey," I greet back, buckling myself up and looking over at Roger who's wearing an oversized black t-shirt and a white and black striped long sleeve under that. I wonder if all Roger wears his stuff to cover up his arms? I don't think I have once ever seen his arms before. I am really not sure why I would be interested in his arms in the first place.

Roger shortly smiles at me and puts the car in drive, "I was actually hoping you wouldn't show up for another minute so I could actually beep my horn."

I laugh at this little joke has he started up the car and drove off, at a reasonable speed for a neighborhood, thank the Lord. I know too many crazy drivers that don't give a shit about their lives or the passenger's lives.

I try not to make it too obvious that I'm staring at him with eyes locked on the road in complete scary silence, except for the hushed noise of people talking over the radio. I can't even really focus on the expensive car I'm sitting in at all. I've never seen Roger so focused on anything before. I watch him bite his bottom lip, causing me to adjust myself and clear my throat, as the lip-bite looked quite seductive, even if that's not his intention. Though I don't want to think about bad things and look away now, I can't pull my eyes away. They're locked. Well- that is until...

"Brian," Roger says, causing me to snap my head back forward in fear that he knows I've been staring (again). "Yes?" I stammered, holding my hands together tightly.

He glanced and tilted his head towards the glove compartment in front of me and went back to keep his eyes on the road, "In that compartment, there should be a case of CDs in there. Go ahead and pick one-"

I go ahead and open the small compartment and pull out a thick cd case holder and unzip in carefully. Scanning through the different holders, there are so many discs that I don't even know where to start. "Just pick one?" I reassure with a question. "Mmhm."

And with that, I start at the very beginning of the large folds and look at each disc, and I start to notice a pattern. They're all simple silver-colored discs that the only difference being on each one, that they were all labeled with black sharpie different things with messy handwriting that's barely legible.

"Grunge rock for those times"

"Sloooooow songs ;)"

"E L V I S"

And there's another that catches my eye, flipping another time.


I'm confused with what to pick, and what would be the right one to choose, as there are so many different ones that it seems like they're all specifically played at different moments for Roger. I don't want him to be disappointed or anything.

"Which do I pick?"

"Pick whatever."

"Whatever? But it seems like these are all for different moods..." I question, slightly relieved but confused.

"Well, yes," Roger starts, trying to find the words it seems as he focuses on driving a safe distance from the car in front of him. "Whatever you feel right now, just choose. I'm asking you. Sure, I made those CDs for different purposes but I'm sure one can fit you right now-"

I think for a moment about what he's said, and I skim through the discs again, this time, really thinking about each name. I stop flipping at one disc that seems good to listen to right now...

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