In our gospel for today, it’s undeniable how Jesus showed his immeasurable power. Moreover, it’s very surprising that the devil we reject recognized Jesus. I asked myself in a very simplistic manner, “If the devil is lie, then why does he know THE TRUTH- GOD?” As I pondered more, I realized that lie is not the absence of the truth but the imperfection. I do believe if there’s a middle ground on this area, the view of it will dramatically change. Perhaps, the devil knew and recognized the immensity of God because in the first place they came from the luminescence of truth but they just walked away from it as if they would escape their own shadows.
Sometimes, we are like the evil spirit not so much with the exact boldness of it in the Gospel but at times when we say to God, “Lord, gusto ko ganito! Ganito at ganito! (Lord I want this! That and that)” This oftentimes led us to reject the divine personhood of Christ and a reduction into something that we can disregard and regard Him whenever we want. However, in any case if we are not granted with the many intentions we raise then most of us will blame God- the truth.
If God is the truth then He’s also the light. But why is it that most of us don’t want the rejuvenating light, but rather stays in the undesirable burden of the shadow? Perhaps, it is the denial of the reality that could somehow entrap us in the illusory thoughts like, “I know, I don’t want to hear it!” “I’m rich then I can buy the truth” “I have a great value in the society!” “I’m invincible!” “I have my own way they have theirs”
It’s hard to accept, isn’t it? But let me share the thought of our Holy Father St. Augustine’s “No one can turn his face from God absolutely.” That’s why; whenever we depart from God we always encounter our immutable shadows that haunt our innermost beings. My dear brothers, let us always remember what Christ said to the possessed man, “‘Be Quiet!’ ‘Come out …!’ ”
Let’s be quiet to find peace in the way, in the truth and in the life. And let us come out from the self in order that we may find daring spirituality to follow the light that lives and reigns with the father forever and ever. Amen
Walk With Me
SpiritualIf have not felt love, just look around God is embracing you :)