💙~Part 2~💙

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Friday morning 7am: Gray's POV

  "Daddy! Get up,  come on get up!!" I woke up to the sound of my five year old daughter, Sylviana. "Yes princess, what is it?" I said in a half annoyed, half sleepy tone. "I looked out the window, and I think someone died in front of our house. C'mon and see daddy!" She said with some urgency in her voice. Storm, my fifteen year old son came into the room next. "Yeah, she's not lying, I think someone died." I reluctantly got out of my warm bed, and went outside to see what the hell they're were blabbing about.

  We got out there, and sure enough there was a blue haired woman lying unconscious in front of the house. "You see, we weren't lying dad." I poked her with a stick, and she didn't move much, but she was breathing. "Oh, daddy! Daddy daddy! That's the pretty lady that saved me from the bullies. Can we take her inside? She looks soaked, oh no she must have been caught out in the storm last night." I looked from the mysterious woman to Sylviana, over and over again. She looked so hopeful. "Alright, alright! But just for today, so she can recover. After today, she will return to her home." She smiled and hugged me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Juvia's POV

  I regained consciousness, and felt myself laying on a soft couch. I don't remember going home last night. I forced my eyes open and looked around. Yeah, I'm definitely not in my house. I got the feeling I was being stared at, so I turned around slowly. "Hello pretty lady!" I realized that this was the same little girl and her brother from yesterday. I smiled and waved at the two adorable little children. "So, what is your name miss?" The boy asked me.

  "My name is Juvia Lockser, but you can just call me Juvia. What about you two?" They introduced themselves as five year old Sylviana Fullbuster, and fifteen year old Silver-Storm Fullbuster. "Excuse me for asking, but don't  you guys have school today?" Their eyes widened in shock, and they rushed upstairs to get ready. I giggled, stretched, and got up. A wave of dizziness and nausea washed over me. I stumbled and tripped over something. Before I hit the ground, something, or someone, caught me.

  I looked up and saw the sexiest man ever. He had raven hair, and eyes you could simply just get lost in. "Are you okay?" He asked, and I swear I died on the inside. His voice was so hot, a perfect fit for someone so sexy. "Y-yeah, I just felt dizzy. I was looking for the bathroom." He directed me there, and I thanked him. As soon as I got there, I threw up. The two kids walked in on me vomiting. "Oh my God! We're so sorry, but are you okay Juvia?" I waited a while before answering them. "No, not really. I was dizzy and nauseous, I have no idea what happened to me last night. I think I hit my head." They felt bad, but they finished getting ready for school.

  I freshened up, then came out the bathroom. I helped the kids get some breakfast. They ate quickly, and thanked me for the food. I helped Sylvie tie her shoes, and they went outside to wait for their dad to come pick them up in the car. I went back inside, and explored the house some more. I came across a picture of the man, the two kids, and a brown haired woman. I wonder who she was, but I think that is his wife. But where was she?

  Never mind that, this house is a mess! I think I'll clean up, and make dinner as a thank you gift. As I was straightening up, I came across a briefcase. It must belong to Sylvie and Storm's dad. Doesn't he need this for work though? Hmm I don't know where that is, so I'll just put it by the front door. A few minutes later, he burst through the doors. I stopped cleaning and looked up. He was looking frantically for it, and I told him that I figured that he needed it, and that it was by the front door. He noticed that I was cleaning. "Um you don't need to clean anything. Just recover so you can get out of my house by tomorrow, okay woman?" I just nodded and smiled. As soon as he left, I wondered what the hell was wrong with him. He was nicer earlier, what happened to him?

6 o'clock pm

  Sylviana and Storm came into the house. They looked around and noticed that it was cleaner than when they left. It also smelled like something really good was cooked and waiting for them. They walked into the kitchen to find an exhausted Juvia. "Did you do all of this? You're so nice thank you Juvia. But you didn't have to." Storm said. She said it was no problem, because she wanted to thank them for helping her to recover.

  A while later, Gray came home to find Juvia, Sylvie, and Storm playing crazy eights. "Hey dad, come and play with us! Juvia taught us a new card game, and it's really fun." Storm said eagerly. "I'll play later, right now I have to go cook you guys some dinner." They all looked at him. "No you don't. I already took care of that, as a thank you for letting me stay here today." "If you didn't know, my daddy's name is Gray." Sylviana said, in her cute little voice. Gray thanked Juvia, went to his room to get changed, and went to join them to play a round of crazy eights. "Okay guys, after the game it's bedtime okay?" They nodded at their father's words and played.

  After the game, they went and brushed their teeth. "Juvia, can you come and tuck me in?" The kids said at the same time. Juvia looked at Gray shrugged, and went upstairs. Halfway up, she told Gray that there was enough food left over for him, and all he had to do was heat it up. She got to Sylvie and Storm's room. "Can we know more about you? Please tell us a story about your life." She hesitated, but nodded. "You guys are not going to enjoy this story at all. Here goes."

  "When I was a little girl, my parents didn't love me. They wanted to get rid of me, and called me worthless and ugly. I felt like a burden to them, and they were always arguing. It got so bad, that I was always the one being abused when they got really mad. When I was nine, I ran away from home, I couldn't take it anymore. I lived on the streets for a few months, and a woman came to take me to an orphanage, where I lived for a few years. But I ran away from there too, because I was constantly made fun of and picked on. I went back to *sob* *sob* living on the streets, and I tried many times to kill myself, because I really believed that I was useless, worthless, and ugly. One time, I actually went through with it, but I ended up in a hospital because a nice girl named Lucy Heartfilia came and helped me. I know I don't look like someone who went through any of this *sob*, but this is *sob* *sob* sob* my story."

  She was now crying hard, and she said goodnight and goodbye to the two kids. "Hey Juvia? I love you, okay? Now please stop crying." Sylvie said sweetly. "*sob* I love you too Sylvie. And okay I will." And with that, she left the room. She bumped into none other than Gray. "I'm sorry about your past Juvia. I didn't know that you went through so much tough times. And I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. I just tend to push people away ever since....." He looked sad and trailed off, so Juvia knew not to pry. "Its okay!" She gave him a hug. "Can we be friends Gray?" He said sure, and she went downstairs to sleep on the couch one last time before leaving. She never wanted to leave, but it was okay.

💙~Ms. Lockser The Babysitter~💙[{BOOK 1}]Where stories live. Discover now