💙~Part 6~💙

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Back at the Fullbuster's House

"Alright kids, it's late. Just, take yourselves to bed please, I don't feel well today. Storm, just make sure you help your sister please." Gray said in a hushed tone. He didn't want Juvia to know that he was sick. The kids did as they were told, and Gray went to his room. He got lost in his thoughts for a while.

Do I really want to ask Juvia out?

Yes, but why would she want an asshole like me?

I mean, she may seem nice on the outside, but I'm pretty sure she hates me on the inside.

And who wouldn't? I am a dick, I push everyone away, and I do it for myself.

But if I do ask, what the hell do I say?

And how is she going to take the news?

Oh well, I shouldn't stress too much. She is going to reject me anyway, I already know it.

But hey, you never know. It could work out. Buuuttt.......I think that is a fat chance in hell.

"Oh what the hell! What the hell is she doing to me? Why is this even a thought in my mind?!??"

Just then, there was a knock on the door. "What do you want?" He answered coldly. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I heard you yelling about something. I'll leave you alone now, sorry." Juvia said quietly, which made Gray freeze. "No, it's fine Juvia. You can come in."

Gray's POV

She came in the room. As she was walking towards me, she tripped on my shirt, and fell on top of me. As we opened our eyes, I realized that...

I was getting a face full of her huge tits.....

I'm shirtless....

She keeps moving on top of me so she can get up, and my cock is twitching.....And I know she can feel it.......

Overall, this is a bad position to be in right now.......

"I'm sorry Gray, I'm just so clumsy. I didn't even see the shirt on the floor." She was blushing hard, and I covered mine with my hand. "It's fine Juvia, it's my fault. I shouldn't have left it on the floor." I said. Fuck, I sound sick. All of my V's and M's sound like B's. My head hurts and it feels like it's on fire.

Juvia's POV

Gray doesn't look okay. In fact, I think he is sick. I turn his face to me and touch his forehead. Not to much surprise, he seems to be running a terrible fever. "Aww Gray, I think you have a fever. You must be coming down with something." I said to him softly. "No I don't have a....a....ACHOO! ACHOO! ACHOOOO!! cold." I literally fangirled. "Awwwww, your sneezing is so adorable Gray-sama!!" I realized what I said to him, and slapped my hand over my mouth. I saw his eyes go wide, and he was blushing. I apologized for calling him that like ten times. "Anyways, you have to rest. You have a fever, and I think your sick Gray." In response to what I said, he pouted and crossed his arms. He looked like a baby, he is so cute.


"What do you mean no? Gray, you're sick!!"

"I'm not sick, and I don't have a fe - ACHOOOO!!!"

"Oh really?!!"

"Damn right... ACHOO!"

I just looked at him and giggled. "You know Gray, I can't take you seriously when you look so freaking adorable."

"No. Your wrong Juvia, I'm not adorable...... I'm sexy."

I giggled at him again. He is such a baby when he gets sick. "Okay then Mr. Sexy, wait here. I'll be back in a minute." I ran downstairs to get a thermometer and a cold washcloth for Gray's forehead. I went back up and shut the door. I slowly put the cold washcloth on his forehead. As I did this, I snuck a peek at his shirtless body. OMG HE HAS A SIX PACK! THIS IS GREAT!! THANK YOU GOD FOR BLESSING ME WITH A SEXY MAN!!!! I quickly calmed down, and grabbed the thermometer. "Okay Gray, I have to check your temperature now." He just looked at me with puppy dog eyes, and proceeded to pout and whine. "I told you Juvia, I'm fineeeeee." I giggled again. He is such a baby.

💙~Ms. Lockser The Babysitter~💙[{BOOK 1}]Where stories live. Discover now