💙~Don't Worry, I Won't Tell//Storm's Birthday~💙

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This is a short chapter, before we get back to focusing more on Gruvia.

  Juvia walked in the door and saw them intensely making out. She stood in the doorway, with wide eyes. To give them a scare, she cleared her throat - loudly. Storm and Nashi jumped, and thought they were done for. They turned slowly, fearing the worst. "Sooooo, you guys are together.. I knew it!" Nashi wore the most embarrassed blush on her face, she was so red. Storm gave Juvia a look that said 'please don't tell my father'. Juvia giggled and responded to Storm's face by saying, "I'm not going to tell your dad, don't worry. Your secret's safe with me." But she also gave them a look saying, 'you better tell him soon before he finds out the hard way.' They both understood Juvia's face, and nodded accordingly.

"Anyway, I hear from your dad, that you're birthday's coming up Storm. He doesn't know what you would like to do, so I came to ask." Storm shrugged his shoulders in response to Juvia's question. He honestly doesn't know what to do, because he hasn't had a good birthday since Cana died. Nashi agrees with what Juvia had said. "I'll have to get back to you on that, I don't know. I'll let you know by tomorrow." Juvia nodded and left the room. She gave 'Stashi' their alone time.

  Juvia went back to Gray. "Gray-sama, Storm said he doesn't know what to do. He will get back to us tomorrow." Gray shrugged his shoulders and nodded. By the next day, Storm had an idea. "Hey Juvia? I want you guys to surprise me with a good party. That's all I can think of, I really have no other idea." She nodded, and went off to tell Gray. Together, they came up with a great party plan.

  Storm woke up, and went downstairs. He was greeted by his family, and his girlfriend. They sang Happy birthday, and served him a breakfast of confetti pancakes, eggs, and bacon. After breakfast, they went out for a drive. They took Storm to get his driver's permit, then to go indoor rock climbing. After that fun afternoon, they went back home, and everyone threw a surprise party for him. There was cake and ice cream and games. He had a lot of presents to open. "I told you this was gonna be an epic birthday!" Nashi shouted excitedly over the music playing. He hugged her tightly, and whispered that he loved her in her ear.

💙~Ms. Lockser The Babysitter~💙[{BOOK 1}]Where stories live. Discover now