💙~Part 3~💙

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Juvia's POV

~Midnight ~

"I should have never had her!"


"She looks so creepy, and she's uglyyy!!"

"It's not a shock that her parents didn't keep her! I mean look at her!"

"Please leave me alone!"

"Or what?!? Are you gonna tell your mommy and daddy? Wait! I forgot, you don't have anyy!"


  I woke up from my horrible nightmare. I was breathing shakily, trying to calm down. It didn't help that there was another thunderstorm tonight.





"Aaahhhhhhh!!!" I screamed. I then covered my mouth, remembering that three other people are sleeping in this house. Another loud crash of thunder, and before I knew it, I was bolting up the stairs. I knocked on Gray's door.

Gray's POV

  I woke up in the middle of the night, to the sound of knocking at my door. Who in their right fucking mind would be awake at this ungodly hour?! I reluctantly left my warm bed and opened the door. To my surprise, it was Juvia. I asked her what she wanted, and noticed her blushing and looking down. She looked really cu- what the hell am I thinking?! "Can I sleep with you?" My eyes widened in shock. "Oh, I'm sorry! I-I-I didn't mean it like that! It's just that-" The sound of thunder interrupted her, and made her jump.

  So cliché!  I thought. She looked really scared, so I gave in and said fine. She went to lay on the floor, but I told her she could lay in the bed with me. She crawled into the bed, and under my sheets. I followed, and layed down on my pillow. She was facing me, and I couldn't help but admire her. She looked so peaceful, and she had hair covering some of her face, and she had baby snores. She reminds me of Cana so much. "Gray, I can feel you staring at me." She said sleepily, which caused me to turn around quickly. A few minutes later, I hear her saying stop it, and other things in her sleep, and she was crying in her sleep too." I moved the hair away from her face, and let her lay on my bare chest. She stopped crying a bit and snuggled into my chest. The next thing I knew, I fell asleep, holding Juvia in my arms.

Saturday morning: Juvia's POV

  I woke up to a warm feeling on my face, and something holding me tight. I look and see that I was laying on top of Gray. I went 50 shades of scarlet, he is so sexy when he's asleep. Wait what am I saying? He has someone, right? I wiggled my way out of his grasp, and went to make everyone breakfast. I made pancakes with eggs and bacon, with sausages. I heard giggling and footsteps. It was Sylviana and Storm, who probably smelled the food. "Outta my way Storm!" They played around, and sat down at the table.

  "Good morning you two, breakfast is served!" I said cheerfully. "ITADAKIMASU!" They said, and hastily dug into their food. In the middle of the meal, Storm said, "So Juvia, how was it!? And before you play dumb, I know you slept with my dad." "Well I er ehm uh oh well um-" "Ouuuu do you like my daddy?" Sylviana asked. "I-I don't like him like that! I slept in there because thunderstorms scare me! That's all!" I could not be more embarrassed. Gray cleared his throat, which scared the shit out of me! "So Juvia, how would you like to live here, seeing as you like it here?" My heart skipped like, eight beats. What made him say this? Never mind that. "I would love to live here, Arigatou Gray." Sylviana and Storm came over and hugged me tightly. "Yayyyyy, we love Juvia, we love Juvia!" They cheered.

  Storm walked back to the table and stole one of Sylvie's pieces of bacon. "Hey! I saw that, now give it back you bacon eating monster!" She yelled, and everyone laughed.

Wow, he can laugh?

That's surprising, I've never seen him crack a smile until now.

And it's so sexy- I need to stop, we just became friends. But he still is good looking. STOP IT JUVIA! SNAP OUT OF IT!!

  "Hey kids, after you finish eating go get dressed. We're going to visit your grandfather, then go get ice cream. And after that, we are going out for dinner." Gray said, with some enthusiasm. The kids cheered and scarfed down their food. Oh great, we're alone. This is gonna be awkward.

  I proceeded to clear the table and went to wash the dishes. I was lost in thought (I admit, it was about last night). The next thing I knew, a sharp pain went through my hand, and it was suddenly bleeding. I started to cry.

Gray's POV

  This is awkward. Juvia and I are left alone in the kitchen. I was looking at her, and admiring how pretty she was- seriously what the hell is wrong with me?!? Never mind that, she was crying now. I went over to see what was wrong, and realized that she had a large cut in her hand. I went and got something to wrap her wound in, and cleaned it out. "There, do you feel better now?" I asked. She nodded her head and said thanks. We were staring into each other's eyes, until we heard giggling.

  "Ouuuuu, you likeee each otherrrr!!!" Said Storm. "Yay my daddy is in love! Are you gonna marry Juvia?" Said little Sylviana. Gray and Juvia blushed in embarrassment. "I well....nooo....uh......umm.....erm.....go get in the car!!" I said quickly. "Suuurrrreeeee." They said and ran off to the car.

1 hour later

They finally  arrived at Gray's dads house. Sylviana and Storm ran out of the car and up the stairs to see Grandpa Silver. Gray and Juvia followed slowly behind. Juvia was anxious to meet Gray's dad, and she wasn't even dating him.

💙~Ms. Lockser The Babysitter~💙[{BOOK 1}]Where stories live. Discover now