💙~425 Days//Be Mine Forever~💙

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AN: 425 days➡️14 months➡️1 year and two months....your welcome......

Gray's POV

  Ever since I got the ring, I've been planning on the perfect way to propose. In order for it to work, I need the help of my friends. So I spent the next week calling up old friends, and they were happy to help. It is currently Saturday, and the plan is set in place. I told everyone to be at Magnolia park at 7:30pm. Then, Juvia would get the surprise of a lifetime. So now, I just have to waste a lot of time today, make it seem normal. I don't want her thinking anything special is going to happen. So, I'm going to take her to the mall. It always takes girls forever to finish shopping in malls. Then, we're going to get food, unless we just eat in the mall. Now, if she would just get up........this is gonna take a while..............

3 hours later (12:30)

  Finally! She's awake, took her long enough. I gave her a kiss good morning, and told her that after we ate, I was going to take her shopping. "Oh, that sounds great! But...what's the occasion Gray-sama? My birthday isn't for another 5 months....Hmm, I don't know....." I told her it was just because I wanted to spend time with her. "Oh okayy! Well, what are we waiting for?!? Let's eat, so we can go!!" She is so adorable when she gets excited. It's like she's in kindergarten all over again. We went downstairs, ate with the kids, and told them to go to Natsu and Lucy's house for the day. I let them know in advance, what was going to happen today and they fully support it. They love Juv just as much as I do, so this was great news to them. Storm got Sylviana ready, and they left 30 minutes later. "I'm going to take a shower and get ready!! I'm so excited for todayyy!!!" Oh, if only you knew what was really going on today....

  We were off to the mall, and I don't think I have ever seen Juvia smile this hard. Well, now I know what to do if she gets really sad, just take her to the mall. After an hour long drive, we got to Magnolia Center Mall. Juvia wasted no time in grabbing my hand and dragging me into the overly crowded area. The first store we went into was PINK.

  Gray was being dragged into PINK. He was instantly embarrassed, and incredibly flustered. "J-juvia.....do I have to come into the store with you? Y-you know, I could just stand outside...r-right?" She kept on pulling him around the store anyway. They came across the bra section. Juvia held up two and asked for Gray's opinion. "Gray-sama, which one do you think is better?" Gray imagined Juvia in nothing but a bra. He literally had a nosebleed right then and there. "Uhmm......I think I'm just going to go outside now.....choose whichever one you want to......just come outside when you're done...." Juvia looked puzzled, but she went about her day. It took her forty five minutes to come out of the store. She found Gray sitting on a nearby bench. "Gray-sama!!! I'm done now! Now let's go into a clothes store. Juvia wants more cute clothes to wear on dates with Gray-sama."
Timeskip (4 hours later)

  After a long afternoon of shopping and eating, it was finally time to go home. Gray had to help Juvia carry most of her bags, and he was struggling. "Babe, did you had to buy this much stuff?" She nodded and giggled excitedly. "Of course I did Gray-sama, I'm going to be with you for a looonnnngggg time. So I need clothes to go on lots and lots of dates with you!!" Oh, she has no idea how long long will be.....just wait until later. Thought Gray. When they got back to the house, it was 6:40. "Hey Juvia. It's a nice night, so I was thinking that we should go out for dinner. You down or what?" He asks bluntly. "Oh that sounds cool. Now I can choose an outfit to wear, and I won't take long!!" She took a quick shower, and was ready by 7:15. Gray stared at her in awe.

"What's wrong Gray-sama? Is it too much, or am I missing something?" He managed to blurt out an answer

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"What's wrong Gray-sama? Is it too much, or am I missing something?" He managed to blurt out an answer. "No! No, you look great Juvi." Gray got dressed, and they were out the door by 7:20. Instead of going to the restaurant, Gray took Juvia to Magnolia park. "Why are we here Gray-sama? I thought we were going to get dinner?" He smirked at her. "We are, I just wanted to go on a walk through the park first. Now come on, let's go by the fountain." They were strolling by the fountain, and sat down to admire the sunset. "Juvia, I want to ask you something, and I want you to be completely honest when I ask." She looked confused, but she agreed. Then, she sees thirteen people standing there with white shirts. Each shirt has a letter on it. By time she makes out what the phrase is, Gray is already on one knee.

  "Juvia, ever since you walked into my life, you have changed it for the better. I was cold, heartless, and pretty much an all around complete asshole. You are the sunshine that lit up my gloomy day, and I wouldn't trade you for the world. When I almost cost you your life, I felt like shit. From that day on, I vowed that I would never cause you pain like that again. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I love you so much Juvia. Will you please make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

  Juvia was completely shocked. She couldn't form words, so her initial reaction is to cry. But she had to give him an answer. "I-i..... y-yes Gray-sama!! Juvia loves you so much!! So she will marry you!"

"Good for you Stripper!" Yelled Gajeel.

"Go Gray! That's how you get a girl!" Lucy shouts.

"Meh....Ice Prick could have done better....." Of course Natsu had to be the negative one, but Gray didn't care.

"Yayyyy! My daddy is going to get married to Juvia!" Sylviana squealed happily.

Timeskip to after the dinner, back home, because I didn't want to write all of the details....

Gray and Juvia are currently in bed. Juvia can't stop smiling a Gray.

"What? Why do you keep smiling at me?" He asked while smirking.

"I'm just so happy that I get to become a fricking Fullbuster. Thanks for taking care of me back then Gray-sama. Good night."

"I'm happy too, and no problem Juv. Now, have good dreams about me 😉."

She blushed at this, but she fell asleep, and Gray followed shortly after. This was one of the best things that happened in both of their lives.






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