💙~Part 7~💙

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Juvia's POV

  "Come on Gray, just let me take your temperature."

  "No, I already told you, I'm finee."

  "Your not fine."

  "Yes I am."

  "No you're not, you are sick Gray!"


  I sighed softly, and climbed up on top of him, trying to get his temperature.

Gray's POV

  I reluctantly agreed to let her take my temperature. I put the thermometer in my mouth, and waited. A few minutes later, it beeps, and Juvia takes it out of my mouth. She studied it carefully, then frowned.
  "Yup, you definitely have a fever. It's 102.8, you really need to rest Gray. It'll do you some good."

  She is so adorable and caring. I swear if I didn't know any better, I'd say she was an angel. I do not deserve someone like her. She deserves some other guy.

Juvia's POV

  Gray seems like he is spacing out. So I tapped him lightly on the shoulder. I think I scared him, because he looked startled and nervous. "Sorry, did I scare you?" I asked gently. "Oh no, you didn't. I was just thinking about something. I wanted to ask you something." He said, still looking nervous.

  "Sure, go ahead Gray. You can ask me anything." He took a deep breath. "Okay, so I have put a lot of  thought into this, and I finally made a decision." He started. Okay now I'm nervous, and I think it is noticeable. "Juvia Lockser, will you go out with me?" I opened my eyes in shock. I started blushing and stuttering. "G-Gray I-I uh...." I said but he cut me off.

  "Juvia, you are like an angel. Your so sweet and caring. I'm just me, a cold, heartless asshole. But ever since you came into my life, I think I've gotten a whole lot nicer. Nobody makes me feel the way that you do. But at the same time, I don't think you want to date me. I mean, I'm just a -"

  I cut him off with a quick kiss on the lips, then broke it off. "Yes, I will go out with you Gray."

Gray's POV

  Woah, she said yes. And she kissed me. I feel like I'm on Cloud nine, I couldn't be happier. She was still sitting on my lap, and I pulled her by the waist into a kiss.

  Well it was more like many, many, slow kisses. Wow, I haven't felt this way in years. I bit her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth. I explored every inch of her mouth with my tongue. She moaned softly a few times, and I blushed.

  I laid down, making sure not to break the kiss once. I slowly move my hands up her thighs, and stopped at her skirt. My cock started twitching again, and everytime it did, she moaned.

  Damn, I love her. I want kids with this girl. Screw this. With no hesitation, I put my hands up her skirt and in her underwear. She kept on moaning. She then started to trail lines of kisses down my chest. Things were getting steamy, when..... KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!

  Juvia quickly got off of Gray, and they acted as if nothing was going on. "Come in." Gray said, as normally as possible. His daughter Sylviana waked in. "Daddy, can I talk to you alone please?" He said sure and Juvia left to take a shower.

  "What is it, sweetheart? And aren't you supposed to be asleep?" He picked her up and placed her on his lap. "Daddy, do you like Juvia?" Gray was shocked. "Well..... I......... Uhmmm.."

  "Do you?"


  "Daddy, tell the truth. You changed a lot since to met her. Come on tell me, do you love her?"

  "Okay okay! Yes!"

  "Yay, Daddy loves Juviaaaa!!!! So, when are you going to marry her?"

  "I don't know! Wait where are you getting these questions from?"

  "Just from Uncle Ash for brains and Aunt Lu-lu."

  "Remind me to kill them both the next time I see them."


  "Daddy? If you marry her, are you going to forget about Mommy?"

  ".............." He was surprised by what she asked him.

  "Of course not. I will always miss her and love her."

  "Okay then."

  Gray and Sylvie playfully fought for a while. "Okay, now go to bed okay babygirl?" She nodded, and ran off to her room.

  Juvia came back a little bit later, and Gray left to go take his shower. He came back in boxers (as usual), and laid on top of Juvia. "You're squishing me Gray-sama!!" She whined. Gray thought she sounded so cute. She snuggled into his chest.

  "Goodnight Juvia."

  "Goodnight Gray-sama."



💙~Ms. Lockser The Babysitter~💙[{BOOK 1}]Where stories live. Discover now