💙~Forbidden Words//Is it too Late to Fix Us?~💙

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*One month later.....

  It was the day of the funeral. It was a rainy day, and things in the Fullbuster house have been different. Gray has been pushing Juvia away from him. She gets it, but she really wants to be there for him. It is more noticeable that he is going back to being cold and distant. He barely talks to her, and when she tries to be there for him, he sends her away. She has been sleeping on the couch the whole month, and she misses Gray so much. Nashi has been coming over a lot more, to comfort Storm. Gray now knows about Stashi,(Storm and Nashi), and he supports it.

  After the funeral, everyone was unified, and paid tribute to Silver Fullbuster. Gray and the kids have speeches about how much he meant to them, and they all bawled their eyes out. Then, later on, they buried him. "Goodbye dad. I love you, and I hope you watch over mom and Cana while you're up there." He said quietly as the casket was lowered into the ground. Juvia decided to not even try to comfort him this time, he would just push her away.

*The next day......

  Juvia started the day off by cooking for everyone, I hopes that she could make Gray somewhat happy, and talk to her again. Everyone but him came down. Wow....... Not what i was going for......., She thought sadly. Storm asked if he and Sylviana could go to Natsu and Lucy's house, and Juvia said sure. Ten minutes later, Gray showed his face downstairs. He came and got something to eat. "Good morning Gray-sama. Are you feeling any better today?" Juvia asked sweetly. "I'm fine Juvia, and stop calling me 'Gray-sama' It's annoying, leave me alone". "But Gray, I just...." He cut her off and yelled at her. "LEAVE ME ALONE JUVIA! DAMN, CAN'T YOU TELL THAT YOU ARE ANNOYING? I DON'T KNOW WHY I LET YOU STAY HERE, OR WHY I GAVE THIS A CHANCE! YOU SHOULD'VE JUST LEFT, YOUR WORTHLESS TO ME!" Juvia's eyes widened in shock. She wanted to cry, but she refrained from the urge. She just grabbed her car keys, said bye, and left.

  Only then did Gray realize what he said.

   Oh fuck, I called her worthless. Why did I say this stuff to her? I'm just being a selfish fuck again. I took my anger and pain out on the second woman I have ever loved. I need to make this right.

  Juvia was angry. She was crying and driving. She wished she never fell in love with Gray at this point. Then her phone rang. It was none other than Gray. She reluctantly answered it.

"What the fuck do you want Gray? Are you going to tease me some more about how worthless I am?"

"No. Baby I'm sorry. I was just upset. I should not take my frustrations out on you."

"Save it Gray. I'll talk to you later. Right now, I'm going to drive so I can calm down."

"But baby i-"

"Hush Gray! Can't you see I'm...."

  "AAAAAHHHH!!!" Was the next sound he heard, followed by loud crashes and thuds.

"Juvia? Babe answer me. I NEED TO KNOW YOU'RE OKAY!!! JUVIA?!?"


Dead silent. It was dead silent on the other end of the receiver. Gray dropped to the kitchen floor crying.

   This can't be happening. I just lost dad. Juvia no, not you too. I'll die if.....

  He ran outside to his car, but he didn't need it. He could see the crash site in plain sight, a few blocks away. He ran as fast as he could, and when he got there, he saw flashing lights and ambulances. "Hey! Where is the girl with blue hair! Tell me I need to know!" Someone points to an ambulance, and he rushed over there. "Sir, please step back." He wouldn't budge. "No way! That is my girlfriend in there, and I want to see her!!" One of the medics let him on, and he saw her.

  She was badly injured, and her face was covered in blood and glass. She had a large gash in her abdomen, and her left leg. Gray's mind quickly went to how similar her injuries were to Cana's. Please no....... History cannot repeat itself right now.... Baby......don't leave me.......I love you.......I wanted to fix what I said......I never meant for this to happen........

  After hours of operation when she got to the hospital, a nurse came out with news for Gray. "Family of Ms. Lockser?" He stood up and prayed for good news. "Relation?" He stated that he was her boyfriend. "Okay, Ms. Lockser has sustained fatal injuries, but most were fixed by the surgery. However, as of now she is in a coma. We don't know for sure if and when she will get up. We're very sorry Mr. Fullbuster. You can visit her if you would like." He thanked the nurse and accepted the chance to see her. Before he went in, he called Natsu, informed him of what happened, and told him to keep the kids overnight.

  When he went in, he teared up. Juvia was a sickly shade of pale, and she seemed lifeless. He sat in a nearby chair, and kissed her hand. He decided to talk to her, even though she was in a coma.

  "Hey Juvia. It's me, Gray. I know you probably can't hear me but I wanna apologize. I didn't mean to tell at you. I was just hurt and in pain. That turned into unnecessary anger that I took out on you. I don't know why, you were just trying to help me get through this tough time. Please hurry up and come back to me, I'll never forgive myself if you don't. I just hope it's not too late to fix us." His voice cracked on the last sentence, and he stroked her soft blue hair.

*1 week later....

  Gray has not stopped visiting Juvia, and he is getting restless without her. He misses her badly.

  "Juvia, baby I need you. Wake up please. Please, just give me a sign." In response to this, Juvia flatlined.







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