💙~Sorrow and Loss💔//I Miss You💔~💙

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  Gray woke up like any normal day. But he felt as if something was off. He didn't know how to describe the feeling though. So, he shrugged it off and went to make breakfast for Juvi and the kids. They woke up to the smell of French toast and eggs, and happily made their way to the kitchen. "Good morning Gray-sama! Breakfast smells really good." Gray chuckled and kissed Juvia on the cheek. "Ooouuuuu, you guys are in loveee!!" Sylvie and Storm said in a playful tone. They knew very well that their father loved this girl, but he wasn't going to admit it until he was ready. He needed time to figure this out, he was still stuck on Cana.

  This remark made Gray and Juvia blush hard and deny this. "We are not! Now hush and eat your food. Please!" Gray said in an irritated yet embarrassed tone. The kids laughed, but did as they were told and ate quietly. Juvia could tell that Gray was acting a little strange, like something was wrong. "Gray, are you okay? Is there anything wrong?" He nodded unsurely. "That's just it Juvs. I don't know what's wrong. But it's definitely something." She patted him on the back, ruffled his hair, and told him he would be okay. "Hey daddy, can we go visit Grandpa today?" Asked Sylviana sweetly. Gray smiled at his daughter warmly. "Sure we can Sylvie. Anything for you princess." So they finished eating and then in a few minutes, they were ready to go see their grandfather, Silver.

*Timeskip....Your Welcome....

  After a short drive, they arrived at their destination. "He should be up by now, so he'll be happy to see us." Gray commented with a small smile on his face. Storm went ahead and knocked on the door. There was no answer. This was strange, Gray thought, he is always up at this time, on a weekend. Maybe he slept in? Gray took the spare key from under the plant, and unlocked the front door. "Wait here guys, I'll go wake him up. Just give me a minute." Juvia insisted on coming with him, and he couldn't resist letting her. So the kids waited outside on the patio. "Dad? Dad, are you up?" No answer. They got to his room. "I'm coming in dad. Okay?" Crickets. It was dead silent. Gray slowly opened the door, and looked in. Juvia followed and saw what they thought was a sleeping Silver Fullbuster.

  Gray went over to attempt to wake him up. It was then, that he figured out what didn't feel right. His father, laid cold in bed. There was no pulse, just a cold still body. Gray sat on the floor, and broke down in tears. Juvia went over to comfort him, but he wanted to be alone right now. "Okay Gray, but what do I tell the kids? Or are you going to tell them?" He said he was going to do it, and rose. He walked out there, shaking. He couldn't believe it. This was not happening.

Why does everyone that I love and care about, have to die? He didn't even get to see me marry her.( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀) This is why I never get too      attached to anyone. I have to break it off, but I'm already in love. DAMN IT!
  He got outside, and broke the news about his father to the kids. They stood there in disbelief, and a few seconds later, they bursted  out crying. Juvia felt out of place, but she aided in comforting everyone as best as she could. She called an ambulance to get him to the hospital, for an autopsy. Gray appreciated this gesture. They all piled into the ambulance 30 mins later, and in about another 30, they were sitting in the hospital. "Gray, I'm here for you, okay? I swear I won't ever leave you, okay? We're going to get through this together." Said a teary eyed Juvia. He nodded. He looked as if he hasn't slept in a week.

  Five hours later, a doctor came out to give them the autopsy report. "Family of Mr. Fullbuster?" Gray stood. "Relation?" He stated that he was his son. "Okay. So your father, died from prostate cancer. It caught up with him. Has he been complaining about anything recently?" Gray could barely talk. He had a huge lump in his throat. "N-no, he never did. He looked fine..." Is all he could say before he broke down again. "I'm sorry for bringing this bad news." They all thanked her, and left a while later. This was the worst day ever. When they got home, everyone went straight to bed, and Gray didn't let Juvia sleep with him tonight. He just needed to be alone for a while.(╥﹏╥)

Andddd.....I'm done. That was a hard chapter to write. It was very emotional, and it gets worse. Sorry for playing with your hearts in advance. Like and comment below please.🙏💔☹️


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