💙~I Can't Hold Back//I Want You So Bad~💙

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Lemon Warning🍋🍋

  After a long day, Gray decided he would send the kids for a sleepover at their aunt Erza and uncle Jellal's house. He drove them over there, thanked Erza and Jellal and proceeded to leave. Before he could, Erza stopped him. "So Gray, what are you up to tonight? If you know what I mean.." Gray turned a shade of red that rivaled Erza's hair. "I....uh...that doesn't concern you Erza! Now leave me alone, I gotta go. BYEE!" And with that, he left quickly before she could pry any further. Before he went back to the house, he decided to pick up some Chinese food, since it was Juvia's favorite. After a 5 minute drive, he got back to the house and served the food. "Thank you Gray-sama for the food. You remembered it was my favorite!" 

"No problem Juv. So.... are you ready for tonight? I've been waiting for this to happen for a while now." Juvia went scarlet again, but truth be told, she wanted this just as badly as Gray did. "Y-yes Gray-sama, Juvia is ready for tonight." They finished eating, and went to watch TV for a while. About 30 minutes into the show they were watching, Gray was getting impatient. He wanted Juvia....badly. She felt the same way, she couldn't hold back much longer. Gray acted on this feeling first. He got up, picked Juvia up bridal style, and went upstairs to their bedroom. "Gray! What are you doing!" He threw her gently onto the bed, and wasted no time removing her dress. Next, he removed her bra, and she was left in her underwear.

  He got to work right after. "Now, where were we? Oh, I think we were.....here." Gray said seductively before he continued to suck and nibble on her nipples. "Grayyy......uhhh......I want you.....now....ahhh...." She said in between heavy breathing and
loud moans. He smirked at that remark. "Is that so? Alright then, my dirty girl......tell me what exactly do you want me to do with you?" He nibbled on her neck, and hit Juvia's sweet spot.

  "Uhhhh......f-fuck......mmm.....I-i want you to fuck me Gray!" She said quickly before she went into a fit of moaning yet again. "Oh really? Well then, as you wish. But first, I wanna have a little bit more fun with you...." He trailed off, and proceeded to leave hickeys all over Juvia's boobs. When he felt he was satisfied with his work, he moved on. Gray removed her panties. "Fuck Juvia, you're so wet! Do I really turn you on that much?" He said as he rubbed circles around the outside of her clit. "Only you can..... Gray-senpai." He smiled, and continued to tease her. Gray inserted two fingers into her hot, soaking wet core, and began pumping in and out. She gripped the sheets and tried to suppress a moan. As he kept going, she couldn't hold it in anymore. She threw her head back and let out a squeal/moan combo. "I wanna hear that sound again Juv. Do that sexy shit again for me baby." He picked up the pace, his fingers pumping out and in, in and out. That earned Gray more squeal/moan combos from Juvia.

  "Fuck, I love the way your walls are tightening up around my fingers! But I can't let you climax like this..." Gray removed his fingers from her and licked them. "Damn girl! You taste just as good as you look. Okay, I'm done teasing you now babygirl. Let's get to the fun part...cuz I can't hold back anymore. I'm craving you more than you know." Gray removed his boxers. Juvia's eyes widened. Well.....this is going to hurt.....it's about 8 inches....  "Gray-sama, please be gentle, I've never done this before." He kissed her forehead to relax her. "Don't worry love, I won't move until you're ready for me to." Juvia nodded, and Gray slowly inserted himself into her core. Juvia winced in pain, and tears formed in her eyes. But she toughed it out, and in a few minutes, she was ready for Gray to start moving.

  He started out with slow strokes. "Ngh.....damn Juv....your....so.....fucking.....tight."  She was moaning like there was no tomorrow. "Faster...... I want......you....to go....faster.... Gray-sama."  Gray began to pick up the pace. He was now thrusting in and out of her tiny hole at supersonic speed. "AHHH....OH FUCK YES!!....GRAY, IM GOING TO CUM!" He knew he was at his limit too, but he wanted to do something before that. He pulled out of her, and flipped them so that Juvia was on top. "I want you to ride me hard, sexy." She slid down on his manhood, and they moaned softly in response. Juvia proceeded to ride Gray, and he played with her boobs while she did. After a while, Gray couldn't hold back anymore, and climaxed into her core, which caused her to climax right after him.

  "Well, that was a fun night. Don't you think babe?" Juvia nodded in agreement, as she was out of breath. They went to go take a shower before bed. Juvia went to get up, but she fell on the floor. She had to crawl back to the bed, and help herself to stand. "It seems I've done a good job....maybe a little too good..." Gray laughed sheepishly, and scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. He helped her up, and they took a shower together. When they finished, Juvia went right to bed. Gray had worn her out, in more ways than one. Gray looked at his sleeping girlfriend, and smiled. "Good night Juvi baby." And with that, he fell asleep.

Done! Sorry these chapters are taking a while to be released 😬 but I will be continuously updating, even if it is a little slow💜like and comment plz and ty 🌟😘


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