💙~Part 5~💙

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8:00 Saturday morning, Gray's POV

I woke up groggily. I am not feeling so good today, I think I'm getting sick. I felt something squishy and warm against my face. It was comfortable, so I snuggled into it more. I decided to touch the squishy warm thing, to see what it was. I touched it lightly, but still couldn't tell what the hell it was.

So I squeezed it a couple of times, and I did not like what I heard in response. Well, maybe a little, it was pretty sexy, in fact i'd like to hear that again sometime....- WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?! Anyways..... I heard someone moaning, and I freaked. I opened my eyes to see Juvia's huge tits right in my face. I legit turned beet red. I watched her as she woke up. As soon as I processed what was happening, I saw her eyes wide open with shock. I just realized, I'm still groping her! I can tell she's holding back from moaning again.

"GRAY, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?" She asked frantically. I fucking panicked.

"I uh, I didn't mean to! It was an accident, I swear!!"

"Gray you perv!"

"Hey it's not my fault that my face was buried in your huge ass tits!!"


She started blushing, and tried to hide it. But I saw it, and smirked.

Geez, I really can't wait to ask her out. I want her to be mine so bad, I think I'm in love with her....- What am I saying?!? I can't do this to myself, I don't even think she likes me. I mean, I was an asshole when she first came here. Never mind that, I can't get attached. I just can't. I can't put myself through more pain.

I was snapped from my thoughts by Juvia. "Are you okay Gray? You look a little upset." She said, with a concerned look on her face. I told her I was okay, just tired and a little embarrassed, and she went along with it. She said it was okay, and that she forgave me for what I did.

A while later, the kids came downstairs. They said their good mornings, and went to the kitchen to get themselves some cereal for breakfast. After they are, they finished getting ready for the day.

"Hey guys, how would you like to visit Uncle Ash for brains and Aunt Lu-lu? We haven't seen them in a while." He asked eagerly. The kids cheered(mostly Storm because of Nashi~ Natsu and Lucy's fifteen year old daughter), and got dressed. "Juvia, are you gonna come too?" She hesitated, but she agreed to go with them.

*Timeskip brought to you by time savers*

After what seemed like hours(45mins.), they made it to their destination. Storm raced to knock on the door. Natsu and Lucy came to answer the door, and were bombarded with hugs from their niece and nephew. "Hey guys! Long time no see! How have you been?" Lucy said cheerfully. "Oi! Where have you been ice princess?" Natsu yelled out. Gray decided to play around. "In your bed, in your wife. Boom! How do you like that, ash for brains?!?"

They playfully fought when they went inside the Dragneel's house. Storm and Nashi went off to spend time together (yes they are together). Sylviana was left to play with NaLu's twins, Summer* and Igneel.

Juvia's POV

I recognize the blonde haired girl from somewhere. What is her name? I need to know. I walked over to her. She was in the kitchen cooking lunch. "Um, excuse me, hi. I'm Juvia what's your name?" I said confidently. She looked up with a huge smile on her face and stopped cooking. She hugged me. I am so confused.

"So it is you Juvia. You seem to be doing better than when I helped you out all those years ago. If you don't remember, I'm Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia, is what you know me by." My heart jumped. I knew I noticed her. I started to cry. "Thank you so much. Without you, I would have been dead a long time ago."

"Your welcome. And I see you've taken a liking to Gray." She giggled. I blushed a deep red. "We're not together or anything. He just let me live with him, because he helped me out." Lucy just laughed and said that we would make a good couple. The rest of the time there was the boys fighting. Lucy clocked them both in the head. "We do not fight in here. This is not a battlefield. Got it!!??" They nodded and sat down.

After a few hours, it was time to go home, because Gray was not feeling well at all. Storm was upset, and so was Nashi. As they left, Storm waited until everyone else got in the car. As soon as they did, he decided he was going to kiss Nashi.

Nashi's POV

I saw Uncle Gray, Sylvie, and Juvia l, get into the car. Storm was still standing here though. I wondered why. As I was about to close the door, I felt his lips crash onto mine. I was shocked, and I slowly melted into the kiss. "I love you so much Nashi Layla Dragneel." I was so happy, he actually said he loves me. After a minute, he broke the kiss, said bye and got in the car.

I turned around, to see my mom smiling and my dad on fire. "YOU DATE ICE PRINCESSES SON?!? WHAT THE HELL NASHI!" He said furiously. "Natsu, you have to respect her choice, wether you like it or not. I for one, ship Stashi!" Mom said excitedly. I looked at my dad with the puppy dog eyes, and he caved. "Alright fine, but I swear if he hurts you, he has a one way ticket to the grave. And before I kill him, I will light a fire under his ass!! " I said thanks in the sweetest way possible, and skipped upstairs to my room.

Summer*~ The English translation of Natsu




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