💙~My Brother's New Year's Wedding//Together Always~💙

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Short intermission!! This is a short chapter, all about the Gajevy wedding😢😍 They're such a cute ship, so I had to take the opportunity to add them into the story💞👆

3 months later...

Juvia's POV

I am currently helping Levy with her makeup. Lucy is doing Levy's hair, as she is her best friend. Erza is doing her nails, and Mirajane is helping with the dress. Mira is a good friend of mine, so I knew she would agree to help out with Levy's wedding. I'm so happy she is marrying my brother. She's finally going to be part of my family. "I'm so nervous. What if I mess up my vows? Oh god, I'm going to cry...." Everyone rushed to calm her down. I went to get her a cold bottle of water, and the other girls were fanning her, and reassuring her that nothing would go wrong. "Levy relax! Gajeel loves you, nothing is going to go wrong. He started the new year off by getting married to you. If that doesn't scream I love you, then I don't know what does. Just stay calm." Lucy is really good at calming people down. Levy finally calmed down, and we finished beautifying her in half an hour.

Gajeel's POV

I am fucking nervous. I'm currently standing at the altar, waiting for Levy to come out. My best man was Natsu. Even though he gets on my nerves every fricking day, I guess I care about him like family. "Oi! Metalhead, you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." I rolled my eyes. "Tchh, I'm cool flamebrain. I'm just a little nervous I guess. What if I fuck up the vows?" Just then Gray came over. "You do love her, right?" I nodded. "So there's no need to be nervous. She is obviously the one for you." Maybe this guy is alright. Which is probably why I made him a groomsmen. But I have to make sure he doesn't hurt Juvia.

Ten minutes later, Summer spread flowers down the aisle. Igneel was waiting by the altar with the rings. Everyone was lovestruck at this adorable sight. Then Levy came down the aisle, with Jellal sending her off, since her parents were deceased. After Gajeel saw her, all his nerves were washed away. "You look beautiful Shrimp." Levy blushed a deep scarlet. "And you look handsome Gajeel-sama." 'Hours' later, they exchanged vows that made the bridesmaids cry.

"Now do you, Gajeel Redfox, take Levy McGarden, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Of course I do."

"And do you, Levy Leanne McGarden, take Gajeel Redfox, to be you lawfully wedded husband?"

"Yes, yes! A thousand times yes!"

"Ok, then if nobody objects then you may kiss the bride!"

Nobody dared to breathe. They remained silent until they kissed. Then the whole room broke out with cheering. The reception was held shortly after, and they did the classic smash cake into each other's faces. They danced the night away, and when it was all over, they headed to the airport for their two month long honeymoon to Bora Bora.

💙~Ms. Lockser The Babysitter~💙[{BOOK 1}]Where stories live. Discover now