💙~Juvia Is Sick!!//Surprise!!😳😁~💙

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A.N. : if it wasn't implied at the end of the last chapter, there was lemon. I just didn't feel like writing another lemon chapter at the moment. Enjoy!!

2 weeks later....

  Juvia woke up and rushed to the bathroom. This happened the previous night as well. She went and threw up. Hmm, I don't know what's wrong with me.... Maybe it was something I ate yesterday.... She thought to herself  as she emptied last night's dinner contents into the toilet. There was a knock at the door, and it opened revealing none other than Gray. He looked so worried about her. "Are you okay Juvi? Why are you like this?" Just before she could answer, a new nausea wave washed over her. She was right back over the toilet, throwing up. All Gray could think to do was rub her back when she was done. "My poor baby. Do you want to just lay down and relax today?" Juvia nodded weakly, and then went to brush her teeth and wash her face. I feel so awful, what the hell is up with her? Gray followed Juvia back to the room, and tucked her under the covers.

  All day, Gray took care of her non-stop. Anything she asked for, he gave it to her. But he had to admit, Juvia had some weird cravings. "Grayyy, can you get me the jar of peanut butter and a pickle?" He looked beyond confused. "And why would you want that?" Juvia pouted. "Please just get it for me." She whined like a four year old. He looked defeated, and a few moments later, he gave her what she asked for. She happily ate the peanut butter with a spoon, then bit the pickle. Just when Gray thought it couldn't get any worse, Juvia did something unexpected. She took a spoonful of peanut butter and put it on the pickle. She bit it with no hesitation. "Uhmm, is that even legal?" Gray was disgusted. "What? It actually tastes really good Gray-sama. You wanna try it?" She said with a mouthful of peanut butter and pickle. He passed up on that offer, and just watched in disgust. Is she insane? Then Gray realized something. Juvia doesn't even like pickles, and she absolutely hated peanut butter.

  "Juv, are you sure you're okay? You DO realize that you don't even like these foods? And you said that it tasted good..." Juvia was quiet for a while, and then she had a shocked  look on her face. "Shit, you're right. What the hell is wrong with Juvia...I mean me!" But she decided to shrug it off for now, she was exhausted! "Gray-sama, Juvia feels better, but she is going to sleep now, 'kay?" Gray decided to cuddle up next to her, because he was also exhausted.

The next morning was met with the same thing. Juvia was over the toilet, throwing up. In fact the whole week was like this. She was also still having unusual cravings. To make things worse, Juvia had these ever-changing moods, and was constantly tired and cranky. "Maybe you should go to the doctor. I'm worried about you Juvia." Gray was very concerned about his fiancée, and didn't want to keep seeing her like this. Juvia agreed that she would go for his sake, even though she thought she had severe food poisoning or just a virus. She called and made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon, at 1:30.

The next day....

  Juvia was currently waiting for her name to be called for her appointment. The office was totally packed today, but she was patient. After half an hour, she finally got to see the doctor. The check up didn't take any time at all to be done with. Juvia was sure that she only had a stomach flu, so when the doctor came back with the results, she wasn't worried about anything. "So am I okay Ms. Tanaka? Do I still have the stomach flu or am I good to go now?" The doctor looked confused. "Well Ms. Lockser, you definitely don't have a stomach flu.... but as long as you eat healthy, don't drink alcohol, and don't get overly stressed, you should be good to go...." She replied. Juvia just stared at her like she had three heads. "What are you saying Ms. Tanaka?" Juvia asked with concern in her voice.

"Well Juvia, I'm saying that you're pregnant, two weeks along to be exact. Congratulations on your new addition to the family! Your significant other will be happy. And just in case you were wondering, you can still be sexually active during your pregnancy." Juvia stared in disbelief. This couldn't possibly be true, she must have the wrong person. "Uhmm, are you sure that I'M pregnant? I mean, you could have the wrong results, maybe someone else's...? "Nope your urine samples and other aspects of the check up, clearly shows that you Ms. Lockser, are indeed having a baby." Juvia was speechless. Juvia is having Gray-sama's baby....What if he doesn't want to have another one now?.....Will he call off the engagement and leave Juvia?.....

"I....um....ok....t-thank you.....have a g-great day." She managed to croak out. As soon as she left the examination room, she felt queasy. Running to the bathroom, she barely made it in time to puke yet again. After leaving the office, she decided to go talk to Lucy about her predicament. She quickly texted Gray and said she was going to see Lucy before she came back home.

Timeskip to Lucy's house....

"How am I going to tell Gray about this Lucy?"

"Simple, just tell him. I have a great way to do it though so you're not DIRECTLY saying it to him."

"How would I do that?"

"It's called the baby food challenge. I did it to Natsu when I got pregnant with Nashi. So, it goes like this....."

  Juvia thanked Lucy for her advice, and then set off to buy a jar of baby food. Now, she was on her way home, but she was still very nervous about Gray leaving her. Well, here goes nothing...... She walked in the door and was greeted with many questions from Gray. She told him that she would answer him, after she did this thing she wanted to try. "What the hell are you talking about Juvia?" Gray was beyond confused. "Just sit down and put this blindfold on please Gray-sama." He did as he was told, but he was still pretty lost.

"Now I'm going to feed you something, and you're going to tell me what it is. Okay?"

"Okayyy.....but why are we-"

"That will be answered soon."

"Now, what is this?"

"Fried chicken."


"A strawberry."

She took out the baby food and spooned it into Gray's mouth.

"And what about this?"

"What the fuck! This is baby food!"

"Correct. And who eats baby food?"

"Babies, why?"

She hesitated a little to answer this question, but she got over it and continued.

"Do you think our baby will like baby food?" She said quickly.

"Of course a baby would like.....WAIT WHAT!!! Juvia, did you say OUR BABY?!?"

"Y-yes G-gray-sama...." Juvia said quietly. She was blushing profusely.

"So what you're saying is...... YOU'RE PREGNANT?!? WITH MY BABY?!?"

She nodded her head, avoiding all eye contact with Gray. He came over to her and lifted her chin so that she was forced to look at him. "Your completely fucking serious Juv? Your not lying, you're having my baby?" He said in a serious tone. She nodded slowly. Instead of being angry, he lifted her up and spun her around put of pure joy.

"Finally my wish came true! I get to have a kid with you Juvia!! You don't know how happy I am right now!!"

"So you're not going to call off the engagement and leave Juvia?"

"Nooo....why the hell would I do that? I love you too much. Well now we have to hurry up and get married before this kid shows up." Gray teased and poked Juvia's stomach.

"Wait, how long has it been?"

"Two weeks."

"Okay good, so it won't matter if I fuck you right now....will it?" He said with an evil smirk on his face.

"No, no it won't. The doctor said it was o-"

She was interrupted by Gray picking her up like a sack of potatoes and running to the room. "Well then, I hope you don't mind me fucking you senseless real quick." He whispered in her ear, causing her to go scarlet red.

"Well if that's what you want to do, then who am I to stop you.......Gray-senpai?" And with that their 'fun filled night' began.

Finally finished!! Vote and comment guys please and thank you😁

💙~Ms. Lockser The Babysitter~💙[{BOOK 1}]Where stories live. Discover now