💙~Love Hurts//Officially Done With You~💙

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Gray's POV

Shit. Juvia's really pissed off with me. I knew this is how it was gonna happen. She is walking away now, and I wanna go chase after her. But maybe it's best for her to cool down before she sees me again. I turned away for a second, and I turn around to Juvia passing out. "Juvia?!? JUVIA!! GET UP!!" Nothing. I got no response from her whatsoever. Fuck! this is bad. I have to get her to the hospital. I hope their both okay.....

5 hours later... Juvia's POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar room. Where the hell am I? And what happened? I figure out that I'm in the hospital after taking some inventory of the room. Now I remember...I flipped out on Gray and passed out. I hope that the baby is okay. Just then, the doctor walks in the door. "Ms. Lockser you suffered from extreme stress, which caused you to pass out." I nodded. "But the good news is that your children are perfectly healthy. They weren't harmed in the process." I nodded again, then it dawned on me. Did he just say children? I thought I was only having one.... "Um, how many children are we talking here? Because I only knew about one." He looked over his notes. "It says here that you are having triplets." I said a thank you, and he left the room.

Great! I'm pregnant with three kids by someone who just claimed that we are done. Three frickin kids with someone who doesn't love me, like he said he did. Tears welled up in my eyes. Just then, the devil himself walked through the door. I refuse to look at him. "Umm...are you okay Juv?" Silence. "How's the baby?" More silence. "Can you please just--" That's it. "Can you please leave me alone. You made it clear Gray, we're done. Finito. Fin. OVER." He looked hurt. Oh yeah, I turned to look at him. "Juvi, I....please just tell me you're okay." I roll my eyes and reluctantly answer him. "I'm fine I guess. And so are your three kids....." He looked confused. "Yeah you heard right. I'm having triplets-- but what does it matter to you?"

He looked as if he felt he was the worst person on earth. Which he is, in my book. "Baby I'm sorry--" I cut him off. "No you're not. YOU wanted this. YOU called off the engagement. YOU are the one dumping me. So NO, you're NOT sorry." I was crying hard, but I didn't care. He sees how much he hurt me. He came over trying to give me a hug, but I pushed him away. "Fuck off Gray. I NEVER want to see you again. Do you know how much I loved and still love you? It was a fucking lot! But I have to learn, love fucking hurts. You can't expect shit to go right forever." I was sobbing uncontrollably. "So please just go. Don't bother texting or calling me."

He raised his hands in defeat. "Alrighty. I guess I'm gone. I love you Juvia Elizabeth Lockser...." No you don't.... I thought to myself. As soon as he walked out, I started bawling my eyes out. I was full on screaming and crying. I didn't care who heard me, I was in pain. I was officially done with Gray Michael Fullbuster, the man of my dreams. Why did it have to be like this? Why couldn't we be together forever?

Gray's POV

That's it, she's gone. I lost something that was so precious to me. I hope you're fucking happy Cana. You ruined everything..... As I'm waking away, I hear her screams of pain and sadness. I can't believe I hurt her so bad. I'm dreading telling Storm and Sylviana what happened. But, I have to. Shit! Juvia still has to come over and get her stuff. My life is over, Gajeel is gonna fucking kill me....


"Like I said before, hurt her and you answer to me. Hurt her, and I will kill you. Hurt her, and you will never see the light of day again.........You have my approval, do what you want."

I gulped in fear, and headed home, hating everything and everyone. I walked in the house, told Natsu and Lucy to keep the kids overnight, and drank myself drunk. Sooner or later, Juvia walks in. She walks right past me, saying not a damn thing. After about an hour or so, she comes back into the living room, with all of her stuff. "...J....Juviaaaa......" She turned around. "I...*hiccup*......fucking love you.....*hiccup*.....you sexy bitch....*hiccup*...." She looked pissed. "You're drunk Gray....leave me alone okay? Have a nice life..." She said that last part with tears streaming down her beautiful face. I am completely heartbroken. The best thing to ever happen to me is gone. I'm just going to go to sleep, so I don't have to face my problems, even if it's only for a while.


"I knew you would do the right thing and get rid of her Gray."

"Cana...don't you realize what you've done?"

"Yes. I've saved you from marrying a stranger."

"No. You've got it completely wrong. YOU destroyed my relationship with Juvia."

"I don't see the difference from what I just said.."


"Gray, I don't understand..."

"You ruined the best thing I had going for me since you died... And for what?!? You're gone, and I need to move on. I don't know why I listened to you in the first place."


"Fuck off. I never wanna see you in my dreams or anywhere else for as long as I live. In fact, I don't even wanna see you in my afterlife!"

"But baby I--"

"But baby nothing Cana! You're fucking dead to me!"

End of dream

General POV(7 months later)

Since the incident, Gray has told his kids, and all of his close friends what happened. They all think that he is in the wrong, but they can't fully blame him. Juvia has told Gajeel, and all of her close friends. They all agree that Gray is a douchebag, and they hope that Juvia can move on for the better. She has moved back into her old house, since nobody ever moved in. She helps Gajeel and Levy watch their daughter Mirai, while looking after herself. She is inching closer to her due date, slowly but surely. Deep down inside, everyone feels bad for both Juvia and Gray, and hope that someday, they can work this out. It was clear that their relationship needed a miracle.

This is it guys!! The end of this book😁😔💙It took a while but itz done, and I am thankful for the support I got from you guys as readers❤️The sequel will begin soon, so don't worry!!😁✨

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