💙~Cold Feet//Fateful Dream~💙

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2 Weeks Later, In Gray's Dream

  Cana was looking at Gray with sad eyes. "Cana.....I don't know what to say....." She held her hand up to his face, as a way to stop him. "Don't even Gray! I can't believe that you're forgetting about me, for some girl you just met a little over a year ago! It took five years for you to propose to me! And she gets into your heart in one and a half years Gray?!? I just can't believe you!" She looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I thought that I was the only girl that you would ever love.....I guess I was wrong." Gray felt like he got hit by a bus. How could she say this, wasn't she supposed to be happy for him? Wasn't moving on a good thing?

 "Cana, you know I love you, but aren't I supposed to move on? It's good for my health emotionally. I am trying to cope with my problems. And Juvia is making me feel better, and the kids too." He looked pretty pissed off, but he had some doubts in the back of his mind. Was she right, is this really what he wants to do? Or is this a waste of time, and he is just using Juvia to make himself feel better, and he isn't really in love with her? If this was true, then there was a huge problem--Juvia is already pregnant! He can't just leave, he thought to himself. "Gray, I can hear your thoughts. You got her pregnant, how could you?!? I thought you didn't want anymore children! So everything you said, it was all just a lie?!?"

  As he was about to defend himself, she slapped him powerfully across the face, leaving a huge red mark. He gave up, he couldn't take it anymore. "What do you want from me.....what do you want me to do?" Gray looked absolutely defeated. Cana smiled, she knew she had won. "I WANT you to call off the engagement, and leave Gray!" He was shocked. "But Cana I-" She cut him off abruptly. "But nothing Gray! Just do it, okay?!? Do it for me......don't you love me?" Gray hung his head in anger, sadness, and frustration. He couldn't deny his love for Cana, so maybe this was for the best. He was clearly still stuck on her, even after he believed he really laid her to rest. "Okay, i'll do it.......Juvia's as good as gone....." He said hesitantly. 

End Of Dream

 Gray woke up in a cold sweat. He couldn't believe this. His dream told him to leave Juvia, and call off the engagement. And unfortunately, it seemed pretty real. Now, he was entitled to break Juvia's heart, and leave her with their unborn child to fend for herself. He looked over at the sleeping bluenette, and felt like he was the worst person on earth. Gray is completely in love with her, but now he has to do something he regrets--leave. Everything they did together would mean not a damn thing. 'I love you' meant nothing, the proposal-nothing, and their dates-nothing.

Juvia must have felt Gray staring, because she rolled over and hugged him. "Gray-sama, I can feel you staring....did you want something?" She asked in a sexy yet sleepy voice. He couldn't possibly tell her now, it was not a good time. He would do it tomorrow......at some point. "N-no, I'm fine. Now go back to sleep beautiful. I love you, okay? No matter what." He managed to say. Now Juvia knew something was off. "We'll talk later, I can tell something is up with you Gray-sama." She said suspiciously. Gray had a lump in his throat-- how was he supposed to this to her? After all she has done for him....

The next day....

The day went normally, aside from Gray acting funny. He didn't want to cuddle with Juvia, like they normally do. Gray didn't bother complimenting her either, another thing he does daily. Juvia was starting to wonder if she did something wrong.

Juvia's POV

We're sitting out on the porch, and Juvia wants to cuddle with Gray-sama. But he won't let her, he's acting really weird. So Juvia is just going to start the convo. Clearly there's something up, and Juvia really hopes she didn't do anything wrong. She doesn't think she did, but Juvia could be wrong. "Gray. Did I do something wrong? Because it feels like your avoiding Juvia." The way he looks at Juvia, sends fear shooting all throughout her body. "N-no you didn't, but I've been thinking about something." Is this a good something or a bad something?

"Okay Gray-sama, so just tell me. You know you can tell Juvia anything." He hesitated for a while, but opened his mouth to speak. "Well, you know I love you baby....but I......I...." Juvia is on the verge of crying. "But.....what...... Gray-sama?" He got irritated suddenly. "Stop calling me that Juvia! You're making this harder than it already is!" Juvia was shocked. How could he tell at her like that?

"I....I wanna call off the engagement and break up with you....." He said quickly. "YOU WANNA WHAT?!? WHY THE HELL WOULD YA DO THAT GRAY!" I am completely hurt, and my heart has been shattered into a million pieces. "I THOUGHT YOU FUCKING LOVED ME! SO WHAT GRAY?!? IS THERE SOMEONE ELSE?!? I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!?" He sat there in silence. It dawned on me....I forgot for a hot second that I'm pregnant. "SO IS IT THAT YOU DON'T WANT THIS BABY?!? I THOUGHT YOU WERE HAPPY ABOUT THAT! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!!" He finally spoke. "Juvia.... I......I didn't wanna do this.....I swear....." That's his excuse? "YOU KNOW WHAT GRAY....I....I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANYTHING ELSE!! THAT'S A BULLSHIT ASS EXCUSE!!"

I turned to leave, and out of nowhere I got really dizzy. I grabbed onto the railing for support, but I couldn't stay up. I feel myself falling as the world goes black.

Sorry fellow Gruvia fans!! But I wanted to add some more drama into my story....So this is it!😔 I think I'm going to write one more chapter for this book, then you guys will get a sequel book sooner or later.....Happy reading😁


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