💙~Storm's Story//I Wasn't Good Enough~💙

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  As it says in the title, this is his story. He will talk about his past, and why he was put up for adoption. This is going to be an emotional chapter for him. If you couldn't tell from the picture, he is telling this story to Nashi. She has no idea that he isn't really Gray's son. Let's get into it!!

Nashi's POV

  I decided to go over to Uncle Gray's house to see Storm. He hasn't really been himself lately. I'm trying to be there for him, but he won't let me in. He keeps shutting me out. I really wanna be there for him, because he is my boyfriend, and I love him. But he isn't making this easy, and I don't wanna force him to talk. Maybe it's best to just leave him alone.

  Anyway, I knocked on the door, and Juvia answered it. I said hey, gave her a hug, and asked where Storm was. She said that he was up in his room, and he hasn't come out all day. I thanked her, and headed up. I don't think she knows we're together, but if she does, SHE BETTER NOT TELL UNCLE GRAY! HE'LL KILL ME AND STORM!! And I don't think he'd be sorry.

  I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. I knocked again, and opened the door a few seconds later. He was sitting on the bed, and he had headphones on. When he saw me, he took them off, and smiled weakly. What's up with him, seriously? "Storm, can you please tell me what is going on with you? You've seemed down lately." He stopped smiling, and looked at me with a serious expression on his face. I think I did something wrong....

  "Whatever it is you can talk to me. I'm here for you babe, I really am." Then he just starts crying. Um.... I really think I'm missing something here..... Anyway, I went over, sat down on the bed, and hugged him tightly.

Storm's POV

  Nashi asked me what was wrong, and I lost it. Damn, way to go Storm. You look like a baby in front of your girl. She came over and hugged me. Well, I guess it's time I come clean. She needs to know the truth. There is a reason to why I'm like this. This happens every year, on August 20th. This was the day I was put up for adoption. The day I realized that my parents didn't love me.

Normal POV

  "Nashi. I have to tell you something." He said through sobs. "Yeah, what is it babe?" She said softly. Nashi was worried about him.

  "Im not actually Gray's biological son. I was adopted. My name wasn't even always Silver-Storm. It was Zander." Nashi was shocked. How could he be adopted? He looks just like Uncle Gray. "I know what you're thinking. It's only coincidence that I look like Gray. My parents were always fighting. But they still made time for me. But things change.

   In a month, my parents divorced, after 11 years of marriage. My mom had full custody of me, and she spent all her time with me. My dad had me on the weekends. I thought I could get used to this. Boy was I wrong. They soon grew tired of me. They started neglecting me, and today, seven years ago, and a week before my birthday, I was put up for adoption.

  I was there for two years, and I hated every minute. I hated my parents more than anything, and I never wanted to see them again." He paused to take a few breaths, and give Nashi some time to process the info.
Then after a while, he continues. "On my birthday, I treated it like a normal day. There is nothing special, I mean I wasn't enough for my parents. They just tossed me aside, and forgot about me. My social worker came in my room, with some news. There was a couple that was looking for a kid my age. So I went out to meet them, not expecting anything.

  It was Gray and Cana. As soon as they saw me, they wanted to take me home. So I packed my bags, and went with them. When I got to the room that was mine, I laid in the bed and cried. They came and asked what was wrong. I explained that it was my birthday, and I used to have the best birthdays ever. But then my parents threw me aside.

  I told them I wanted to forget them completely, starting with my name. Zander Garcia was not a good fit for me anymore. So they looked at me for a while, and came up with the name Silver-Storm. Cana suggested that I had their last name, and that is how my name came into play.

  The next day, they threw me a party. I knew from that moment, that my life was gonna change. I love them like they're my biological parents. When Cana died, my whole world was turned upside down again. But Gray helped me get through it, along with Sylviana, my new baby sister.
But now that dad found Juvia, she is like a mother to me. I'm extremely grateful to her, and I'm happy my dad met her. And that is my story." Nashi was in tears. "Wow Storm, I never knew just how hard your life was. You know, this just makes me wanna stay with you for the rest of my life. So you know how much I love and care about you. Oh, and don't think you are gonna have a boring birthday. It's definitely going to be epic!"

  Storm crashed his lips on Nashi's, and they kissed for a while. That is - until Juvia walked in.

💙~Ms. Lockser The Babysitter~💙[{BOOK 1}]Where stories live. Discover now