💙~Preparations, Mood Swings, and a Crazy Huge Appetite~💙

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Gray woke up at 9 in the morning. He looked over to Juvia and smiled. Yesterday's events were still fresh in his mind. She was snoring like a baby, and he couldn't help but think she looked adorable as hell. She is so cute and peaceful when she's asleep. Geez, I can't believe that we're having a baby, or the fact that we're getting married in two months. Speaking of, they would have to get up soon. Mira, an old friend of his was coming over to help with the rest of the wedding preparations. He knew he could count on her since she was an expert at this kind of stuff.

Gray's POV

I kissed Juvia on the forehead and as soon as I did, her eyes fluttered open. "Good morning beautiful. How'd you sleep last night?" She mumbled something along the lines of 'fine, but I'm hungry and cold', so I said I would go to the store to get whatever she wanted. "Well in that case, Juvia wants pineapples, strawberries, and mangoes." As I said ok and was about to leave she added more to her order. "Oh! I also want a bacon egg and cheese on a croissant with mayonnaise and ketchup, hot Cheetos, a Sprite, and a pack of sour power straws." Holy hell! Can she even eat all of that!?! "Anything else babe?" She said no that was all for now, and I went and got all of her stuff. I got myself a bacon egg and cheese on a roll with ketchup.

When I got back, Juvia was crying. What the actual fuck? I rushed over to her, cuz I didn't know if she was hurt or something. When I asked what was wrong, she gave the most unexpected response. "I'm hungry! I couldn't find anything that I wanted to eat until you got back! So I started crying...." Then she went into another fit of tears. Wow, babies make a woman crazy! I can never let her hear me say that..... "Um, so do you want your food now?" "Why the hell wouldn't I want it Gray! I just told you I was hungry, right?!?" Damn, now she's angry. How fast do her moods change? "Okay okay, I'm sorry babe. Here's your food. And before you ask, yes I got everything you asked for." She smiled and yanked me for the food. Then she wasted no time getting right to work, eating food faster then I've ever seen her eat before. Geez, if she keeps eating like this, I'm gonna have to get another job on top of the one I already have!!!!!

25 minutes later....(Nobody's POV)

"All finished Gray-sama!" Juvia exclaimed happily. Now that she had eaten, she was in a much better mood. Gray was shocked that Juvia really ate all the food so quickly. "Juvia, remember that today we're meeting up with Mira to talk about the wedding preparations." Juvia immediately went wide eyed. "Shit! I forgot about that, I'll go get myself ready now." She took a shower, and got dressed quickly. "Babe, you do know she's not coming until 12:30 right?" Juvia nodded in response. "Juvia wanted to be ready early rather than late, that's all." So they proceeded with their day, cleaning up and sending the children to Natsu and Lucy's house for the day. After that, Juvia got tired and took a quick nap.

Next thing she knew, Gray was shaking her. "Juvia, get up! Mira will be here any minute." After lots of whining from Juvia and a ton of convincing from Gray, she reluctantly got up. As she did, there was a knock at the door. Gray went and answered it, and it was none other than Mira. "Hey Mira, long time no see. How's it going?" Gray said casually. "I'm fine Gray. Guess what?!? Hurry up or I'm just going to tell you!" He thought it over. "Hmmm......you finally started dating Laxus, after all this time?" Mira jumped up and down, clapping and squealing. "Yes, you got it on the first try!!!" Gray grabbed her by the shoulders. "Alright alright, quit it Mira! Congrats."

  "Thanks Gray!! But anyway, let's get to planning the rest of this wedding! I'm so happy for you, finding someone that makes you happy." He knew exactly what she meant by that. Ever since Cana died is what she wanted to say, but didn't for the sole fact of Gray's feelings. He knew that all too well.  They all sat around the table, and Mira layed out the plans for the wedding. The couple stared in awe,  they were perfect. From the reception hall, invitations, seating arrangements, to the ceremony location, it was all perfect. "Oh my gosh Mira! I love everything!" Juvia exclaimed. Gray smirked. "Well if Juvi likes it, then of course I like it." Mira smiled. "That's not even the best part! I can't wait to show you the dress I picked for you Juvia! It has almost everything you wanted." The girls began squealing at the table, and Gray just sat back and smiled.

  Mira stayed over for the day, and by time she left, it was 9:00. Gray went and got the kids while Juvia took a nap. She was exhausted from all the excitement. Before Gray left,he asked her what she wanted to eat. She said that she wanted Chinese food, her favorite thing. So he stopped and got food for everybody. Gray and the kids got home, and everybody ate. Juvia of course, ate the most food. After the table was cleared, the kids watched TV for a while, then wen to bed. Juvia completely conked out on the couch, and Gray carried her to bed. He kissed her goodnight, tucked her in, and layed down next to her and went to sleep. Gray was still shocked that their relationship made it this far, and that there was still more to come.

This update took way too long!! I had writers block, but here you go, enjoy!!

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