Chapter 29

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Previously on Descendants 4,

"Did I heard something about pregnancy?" Audrey said when she walked in. "Is Mal pregnant? Just wait until the media finds out! I see the title - 'The queen of Auradon pregnant even before graduation.' "

"Audrey?! What are you going here?" Evie asked shocked.

"Well, this is a school bathroom, so why is it so weird to you that I'm here? The odd thing is that you still haven't answered my question." the girl said.

"And what was your question?" Evie decided to play dumb.

"Is Mal pregnant?" Evie was silent. She couldn't betray her best friend like that. "Come on, it's so simple! Is Mal pregnant?" Audrey kept teasing the blue-haired girl.

Suddenly Evie said something that even she was surprised of. "Mal's not's me." a big smile appeared on Audrey's face. Evie was so amazed that this big fat lie worked.

'The queen of mean' was now in a very happy mood. "Don't forget to check tomorrow's newspaper!" she was about to leave the bathroom when the blue-haired girl asked if she is going to at least wash her hands or they are going to count that moment as eavesdropping. "It's not eavesdropping, I just overhead!" Audrey said, washed her hands, then walked out quietly singing a part from Queen of mean.

"Great! Now I'm in a fight with Mal and Audrey thinks I'm pregnant." Evie said.

Meanwhile, Mal was at the cafeteria.

"Hey! How is the queen doing?" Uma said and sat on Mal's table. Mal gave her a bored face. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Well, as you can tell I'm not there. Also, aren't you supposed to be in class, too?"

"No, the art teacher is sick."

"Really? Cause I saw her earlier this morning and she was completely fine."

"Okay, maybe I'm skipping class, but I have a good reason!"

"Which is?"

"Here there are donuts, in the classroom, there are books, more books, and tests. Where would you choose being at?"

"No matter I know you're wrong that kinda makes sense."

"See. Now, what's happening? You've been acting differently the past month."


"No, there's something."

"You really wanna know?"

"Yeah, I'm your friend."

"Fine, but we must go to my dorm."


"Now, tell me!"

"But promise you won't tell anyone."

"I promise."

"Well, I might be pregnant."


"Fine, I am."

"Girl, that's amazing!" Uma hugged Mal. "Does Ben know yet?"

"Yeah, he does."

"You're looking a bit sad, is everything okay?"

"Evie and I had a little fight. It was probably because of my mood swings."

"Well, you gotta be friends again, I mean your friendship is just too great to be ruined."

"Yea, I must apologize to her." there was a bit of an awkward pause. "Oh my God, I had to go to the doctor with Ben today! What is the time?"

"10:25" Uma answered after checking her phone.

"Ugh, I'm already late!" Mal said, grabbed her bag and went outside. "See you later!"

"Hey, careful! I don't want to be locked in your dorm forever." Uma said Mal tried to lock the door.

"Whoops, sorry!" the purple-haired girl replied and let Uma out of her dorm. Then she started running as fast as possible to the doctor's office.

"Hello Queen Mal, you're late..." an old female doctor said when the purple-haired girl entered the room.

"15 minutes, I know, sorry!" Mal said not letting her to finish. "I had been busy with school and other stuff, but I finally managed to come."

"I'm glad that you did. I mean, not every day the Queen comes to check how her pregnancy is going."

"Yeah, thanks. Wait, isn't King Ben here?"

"No. I haven't seen him around."

"So, how many weeks or months am I pregnant?"

"I must check it on the ultrasound."

Mal lifted her shirt and the doctor applied some gel on her stomach. "Oh, it's a bit cold."

"Yeah, it is, but don't worry it doesn't hurt." The doctor moved the wand around. "You're about 11 weeks pregnant."

"What? That much?"


"Seems that you're bigger than I thought." the purple-haired said to her stomach.

"I think we can try to hear a heartbeat if you want to."



"Let's do it then." the woman nodded and pressed a button on the machine. Not so long after that Mal heard her baby's heartbeat. "Aww. Is that..."

"Yes, it is. That is your baby."

Mal was so happy to hear that the baby had a heartbeat, but she was a bit sad that Ben wasn't there to hear it too. The purple-haired girl was deep in her thoughts when the doctor interrupted.

"So, I'll see you after two weeks. Don't forget to have rest and drink lots of water."

"Yeah, I will. Bye!"

"Wait! Those are the ultrasound pictures." the doctor said and passed them to Mal. "Bye!"

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