Tears us apart, always does

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Colby's POV

- Please, just don't let her see me like this! I'm begging you, Sam! - I gripped the bars of the cell and tried shaking them but they didn't budge.

It's not that I wanted to escape, I was just terrified of the thought that Sabrina would look at me differently once she sees me behind bars. Not to mention, I was arrested for a crime I didn't commit. Assault and battery?! Like seriously, what the hell?! They refused to even tell me who I "assaulted"! 

My right hand was bruised from all the punching I did. Not on people, but on the walls of the cell. Sam kept trying to tell me to calm down, to take a breath, to sit down and think for a second. Little did he know, I had been thinking enough and I had enough of just thinking! Cause thinking didn't give me answers. Especially when I didn't know the entire question.

I needed more info to solve this. Way more than what they were giving me. Let's start with, hmm, I don't know, who the hell was charging me for assault and battery? What, am I dealing with a hater here or someone who is going the completely wrong way about getting my attention.

- Colby, I've held her back for so long. I swear to God, if I tell her to wait any longer, she'll slice me up and throw me in the dumpster outside - Sam whisper yelled at me, his eyes scolding me just as much as his words. We had been told to keep it down three times already. 

- Well, if you let her, I'll slice you up, Sam. I will - I glared at him from the back of the cell.

I couldn't stop pacing back and forth. Left and right. I kicked the bench a couple times. Kicked and punched the walls. Hit the metal bars, which obviously hurt me more than it hurt the bars. And Sam was standing there as if he was trying to tame an insane tiger. 

- You're in no position to be making threats. And I'd suggest you stop threatening assault, seeing as how that's the reason we're having this conversation - he said, winning the argument.

- Whatever - I grumbled - How are they letting you stay so long? - I tried changing the subject and calming down. I even sat down.

- I know a few guards here. But forget that. - he all of a sudden lowered his voice even more and leaned towards the bars, his face looking more serious than I thought it could look - Colby, I've known you for basically my entire life and I want you to be 100% honest with me. Did. You. Do. It.

A wave hit me. Rage, misery, desperation, agony, determination. Everything.

I jumped and was pressed up against the bars in a heartbeat. Sam had to back away so I wouldn't accidentally punch him.

- I didn't! I didn't, Sam! You have to believe me! Please, at least you believe me! I'm begging you! - I hit and shook the bars - God, if you don't, who will! You said it yourself! You've known me your life! You know I wouldn't do such thing!

- That's what I thought until you low-key broke Alex's nose a few days ago - he hissed - And quit yelling, they'll kick me out!

- Maybe it's better if they do! - I hissed back - The only person I trust to back me up till the end is now questioning me and doubting me? Well, I guess I've lost everything. 

- I'll tell Sabrina you wanna see her - Sam said as he began to walk away

- Wait! No! Don't you dare, Samuel! - by the time I had finished my last threat, he was already out of sight.

And there began round 2 of punching and kicking. I swear, those walls could press charges on me for assault more than the person claiming I assaulted them.

I stopped when I heard footsteps approach. I looked down at the tiled floor and saw that the shadow belonged to someone way shorter than Sam. My heart couldn't decide what to do. It was a choice between stop beating entirely or beating faster and I was there waiting to either have a heart attack or to shut off like a lamp. 

Sabrina came into view and I froze. I couldn't move, no matter how much I tried. I wanted to go up to the bars. I wanted to explain myself, but my voice refused to obey either.

- I swear.....- was all I managed to choke out

Sabrina raised her hand to stop me. - I know. I believe you. 

I felt 1000 pounds lighter. I felt free. I saw some strange light that seemed way too bright to be real. That's what her trust did to me. The thought of her trusting me was worth so much to me. 

That was one of the main thing we had lost the previous year or so. Trust. She hated me. I hated her. But was it hate? Or something similar that appeared as a side effect of the distrust? These questions are something I need answers to. But, those aren't the priority at the moment.

Just as I was about to respond, a cop walked up beside her.

- Miss, the victim wants to see your boyfriend. I'm going to need you to exit the room - He told her sternly

- I'll be out in just a moment - she nodded to him and he walked away

Her gaze followed him out the door before she turned back to look at me.

- Don't worry. Elton, Sam and I will get you out of here. I promise - She told me with a reassuring smile

I just nodded. I couldn't find the proper words. I couldn't find words in general. My brain couldn't come up with a response. I knew she understood, so I didn't push myself to respond verbally. After all, our communication and understanding for each other went way beyond than just words.

Two pairs of footsteps started approaching. Sabrina tilted her head to look at the incoming silhouettes whose shadows were laying on the tiles. My heart sunk when I saw the color drain from her face and her eyes grow wide. She turned to me with an expression resembling a mix of shock and despise. Next thing I knew, I was face to face with a well beaten Alex and the cop who was standing next to him.

The cop turned to tell Sabrina to leave again, but before he could even get a word out, she was already running out the door. 

That's when she threw that trust I was talking about earlier out the window. 

Sabrina's POV

I ran out of that place so fast, everything around me turned into a blur. When I was a block or two away from the police station, I finally stopped running. It wasn't until then that I saw the spots in my vision. My lungs were practically screaming at me alongside with my brain and heart. It was as if my vital organs had formed a choir. A very good one actually. 

I heard Sam and Elton running after me when I ran by them, but I didn't care. The only company I wanted was the one of my thoughts. Which, by the way, were running wild. I could barely understand them.

Everything was too much. It was only noon and the day had already crippled me. I had seen Colby get arrested; seen him behind bars; seen Alex battered; connected the dots that Colby was the one that battered him; lost myself. 

But most importantly, that day, I lost the last bit of trust I had in him.

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