Nine || Solo

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~3rd Person~ 


Mason muttered under his breath as he swallowed one of the four pills. This one being the largest of the bunch to suppress his scent and pheromones. The other three antidepressants mingled together as he swallowed the other three without so much as a gulp of water. 

Looking in the mirror, he catches his large brown eyes and sighs, drawing a smiley face in the steam of his shower. But he quickly wipes it away, hating lies.

You wouldn't be so miserable if you were busy fucking our mate on his eighteenth birthday

Shut the fuck up

Mason's wolf smirks and Mason swears he would punch the guy if it didn't mean he had to hurt himself in the process. 

Stumbling out of the steamy bathroom into his bedroom, the alpha debates clothes for a few seconds. 

We're going to go see him tonight aren't we?


We see him every birthday.

Shut up

His wolf rolls his eyes at Mason's pettiness, knowing the dumbass would go anyway. 

"Fine," Mason sighs, putting on simple shorts and a t-shirt without shoes as he left the shitty apartment he shared with his beta Remmy and his mate Vanessa. 

What was left of the Figuroa pack now took up an entire street of broken-down apartments. Mason tried his best to keep their packhouse but when he discovered the reason why his father was never home was because he was too busy squandering the pack's savings in his gambling addiction it was already too late. 

As soon as he reached the woods, he stripped off his light clothing and shifted to his larger alpha form, tired from the amount of work he had to do during the day just to keep the lights on. 

His outlook on life had turned bleak since his sixteenth birthday and he could never think of a reason as to why he decided to keep going except this very day once every year. 


I watched from a far distance as Tristan rushed out of his back door, my blue-eyed mate didn't bother shifting as he rushed into the woods. Using all his human anger to punch the shit out of a tree. 

Bark went flying and a loud crack from the tree could be heard like thunder as he stepped back. Rubbing his bloody knuckles and falling back into the tree behind him. Covering his face with his hands he slid down to the ground and I could tell from his vigorous shaking that he was sobbing.  

"What did I do goddess, what did I do in my short lifetime to deserve this?" He asked the full moon as I stayed hidden. With the medication I'm on, my scent is nonexistent and I know it works because he doesn't even know I'm here. 

The sadness he felt extended through our dying bond to my heart and while I looked forward to the day our bond would die, a small part of me wanted to be with him. 

"What did I do to go undeserving of a mate? Do you like watching me suffer! Huh!" Tristan screamed as he picked up a rock and chucked it hard, nearly hitting me. 

Honestly seeing him so pissed off at me made my heart race in ways I couldn't describe. Goddess, I really want him to fuck me up for all the pain I've caused him the kiss and makeup after. I wanted to wipe his tears and lick his wounds, I wanted to take away all his sadness and combine it with mine because a boy as beautiful as Tristan doesn't deserve anything but pure joy. 

I slowly got closer, fighting my inner thoughts as my instincts scream at me to comfort him. To kiss him, to touch him, to be with him. I wanted to call out his name and spend just a single night with him rested in my arms. 

Then I stop, just as I'm near my weeping soulmate. If  I even let out a sigh in his direction he would find me. 

And I want him to find me.

But how could I even try to be with someone as perfect as my own mate after I tried to kill him?

I can't. 

And with those two little words in mind, I turn away from him. My tale tucked between my legs as I left our sweet Alpha mate weeping in the woods.

 Unable to come to terms with my own guilt. 


Did I switch to 1st person? Oops. 

Goodnight guys

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