49 || Mercy

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 18 +

Gore and depictions of violence 


"Hey Kalel, you think the mutant's ever gonna come back to our practice runs?" 

Yanto asked as he kicked a soccer ball back and forth to his team member. During today's off-season practice, there was something off with the team and everyone could tell. Kalel snorted when he kicked it back and looked to the couch, hoping he'd cut the team loose early today. 

"No, he wouldn't dare show his face at this school nevermind the team," Kalel laughed to himself, imagining what he was going to do with the millions he made off sharing the video he took of their mutant ex-captain to a porn site. 

Everyone knew the soccer star, Tristan Keesler, and his career was slaughtered in seconds. Kalel was proud of this, especially since the scholarship offer that was pulled from Keelser went straight to Kalel next as he finally got the recognition he deserved. No longer living in his captain's shadow. 

"Alright, clearly this practice is useless if none of you are putting in the effort, get off my fucking field and I don't want you back until Keesler gets here." Their coach announces and Kalel smirks.

"What if he doesn't come back, coach?" He asks and their coach eyes him carefully.

"Then I'll find a new team of fucking freshmen because none of you work correctly without him," Their coach slams down his plastic clipboard to the bleachers and walks off the field. 

"Fuck," Kalel curses and Gabe comes up behind him.

"What are we gonna do about the mutant Kalel?" he asked and Kalel rubs the bridge of his nose. 

"We just have to show coach we're better off without him is all," Kalel says and walks off to the locker room. His teammates watch him with little to no respect as they grab their things off the bleachers. 

"Fucking assholes," Kalel mutters under his breath as he stomps into their dark locker room. Slamming the door to his locker open to grab his backpack before closing it again. Only to have his head gripped with superhuman strength and slammer into the locker so hard the world goes black.

"Are you sure this is him?" Remy asked his alpha who held the short boy up by the back of his t-shirt. 

"This is the ringleader of it all, funny how a random human so weak and frail could haunt my sweet Tristan's worst nightmares," Mason smirks as he dropped the boy to the floor, suddenly gasping himself into the hazy nightmare his own life was about to become. 

"But I bet you don't feel so strong now though huh?" Mason laughs as he takes the weak Kalel up by the hair on the back of his head. The boy instantly screams and Mason gently pressed his head into the bench.

"Tell me how does it feel to not be in control? To be helpless as I loom over your squirming body, begging me to let go?" Mason whispered into Kalel's ear and tears instantly started streaming down his face. Remy leaves his alpha to do his work while going to the door to stand guard.

"Please, I'll do anything! What do you want?! Money?" Kalel asks and a part of Mason was disgusted by the thought of there being a price over his boyfriend's life.

"Is that what you wanted from my mate?" Mason asked Kalel and the boy went dead silent. 

"So you called him a mutant yet it appears you know nothing about us, well let me teach you," Mason plucked the boy up again and pressed his bruised face to the cool locker. 

"You see there's one pack on this island, made up of about fifty wolves ready to attack at their alpha's command," Mason paused as he got just as close to Kalel as he was to Tristan the night of his attack. 

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