41 || Nobody Else But You

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"Where are we going?"  

I asked Mason as he drove deep into the woodsy side of northern Bridgeport. The islands rare bioluminescent flowers lighting the road a rainbow of soft blue and yellow hues with our passing. 

"You'll see," Is all he says, scratching his chin as he watched the wavering road. The silence between us wasn't as suffocating but it definitely wasn't pleasant. 

"I'm sorry for what I said Mase, I know we just met and I have to give you time but I guess I just care about you so much that it's hard for me to be patient," I confess, unable to stop myself from spilling the emotions I was feeling from our stupid mated bond.

"You care about me? What is there to even like about me?" He laughs almost to himself as he relaxes slightly and I feel the door crack slightly open. 

"I think you underestimate yourself Mase." I use the shortened version of his name for the first time and a tiny hint of a smile reaches the corner of his lips. Seeing him light up even just for a little bit, already has my heart skipping a beat.

"You're strong, overprotective, headstrong, and sometimes a pain in the ass but we can work with that cause I am too," I add and this time he even laughs a little. 

"If both of us are a handful I feel bad for Tristan," He mentions and I just think back to the look on Tristan's face when Mase and I ganged up on him the night before. 

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind," I laughed quietly as we pulled up to a long winding dirt driveway that kind of reminded me of home. I still miss the sweet little farm where I grew up every now and then. To think I took it all for granted. 

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't even notice we had parked until Mason turned the car off and looked at me. I focused my vision on the beautiful sight in front of me and my jaw dropped. 

"What is this?" I asked and he smiled, getting out of the car as he did so. 

"Our pack house," Is all he says and I get out with him. Closing the door of the G wagon, I hopped down and rushed to join him as we walked up to the front door together. 

"What's a pack house?" I ask and he pulls a single key out from his pocket

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"What's a pack house?" I ask and he pulls a single key out from his pocket. 

"Werewolves are a part of a pack. We're supposed to live together in the same place to support one another but since we've been getting our shit together, we've kind of thrown everyone for a loop. This will fix that though," He explains as we walk into the massive cabin mansion together. 

"So are you and Tris going to be like two alphas for the pack?" I ask and Mason shakes his head. 

"No, there can only be one alpha. In a pack, there are three positions of leadership. An alpha, who's kind of like the king, overseeing everything and making the major decisions. Then there's the beta. An alpha's right hand man who helps him and sometimes takes over as alpha when needed." He says and I take a breath as I look around at the sheer size of this place. 

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