53 || Roses

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"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Noah. Your parents have spoken well of you and I assume you're off doing incredible things," 

Noah's uncle, a well-dressed man with jet black hair and large gray eyes introduces himself to his nephew with a large white smile. Taehyung then turns his attention to Mason and I, but his smile instantly fades when we make eye contact. 

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung points, his gray eyes darkening as he glares at me from across the room. His glass of water shatters when he slams it against the counter and I shy behind Noah in fear while Mason steps forward to protect us. 

"Would you three excuse us," Noah's Dad asks and I gulp, unable to get the thought of Taehyung's narrowed gaze out of my mind. 

He looked like he wanted to kill me. 

"Yeah uh, sure," Noah replies and grabs hold of Mason's jacket to pull him back into the living room. 

"What was that about?" A tall stunning dark-skinned woman who looked like she could be a supermodel asked Noah who waved it off. Noah suddenly started to speak to her in another language and she nodded in agreement. It sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Chinese Maybe? Or Korean?  

"Ahem," Mason interrupts Noah as we awkwardly stood behind him and he gasps. 

"Sorry, sorry, sorry we got carried away. This is my sister, Novalee." Noah finally pauses to introduce us and the woman puts her hand on her hip. 

"Don't tell me this boy tricked you two handsome boys into dating him, he's not as angelic as he appears you know," She smirks and Noah punches her arm in response. 

"God, can't I catch a break! You're all so embarrassing," Noah argues but starts choking when his tall sister playfully puts her baby brother in a headlock and rubs her fist over his head until he was squealing for mercy. I can't help but giggle at the sight, seeing Noah so vulnerable around his family was refreshing considering he's the headstrong beta of the pack back home.

"Oh Frenchy, we've waited your entire life to embarrass you in front of the person you love," Novalee replies as she lets him go without a scratch. Meanwhile, Noah looked like he just rolled out of bed with his hair in complete disarray and he was gasping for air. 

"Or people, sorry boys I forgot there's two of you. You know Mom always had his bet on you being the poly one out of the six of us." Novalee continues but there was a loud conversation coming from Noah's parent's that I couldn't help overhearing.

"He's just a boy, I bet you he doesn't even know," 

"That disgusting monster nearly slaughtered my family and now his son is coming over for dinner? Matty, how can you expect me to be fine?" 

"He's a nice boy, he's nothing like his father," 

"It's all a facade, don't you remember how Leitus got to Finley?" 

"Tristan is not his father Taehyung and I don't want you bringing this negative energy in the table. I'm not going to punish him for the mistakes of someone he doesn't even know," 

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