Thirty-Nine || So Like, Can I Say You're Mine? Or Nah

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I cry out as I watch the large screen as my boyfriend darting across the massive soccer field with the ball making the final near impossible kick straight into the goal. Not even the goalkeeper expected it as the entire sold-out stadium instantly went insane, screaming my boyfriend's last name with such a force I highly doubt he can't hear it from the field.

Grabbing the hot chocolate from the counter as it was served to me, I slip past the heavy crowds to make it back to the special seating we were given.

Mason holds his hands together as he tries to warm them by himself. The man kept to himself, not really wanting anything to do with me or Tris during our first week together. He's so closed off that he's like a stone fortress that's nearly impossible to penetrate. 

"Cold?" I ask him as the island's crisp 30F (-1C) was starting to kick in. The coldest it ever gets on the island is during these cool fall months where the winds are turning. Mason doesn't even look at me as he shrugs and looks off to the side. I plop down beside him, knowing he's bullshitting me as I hand him the hot cocoa. 

He looks at it for a moment and I suddenly get a massive wave of immense sadness as his wall slowly opens before snapping back closed.

"Thank you," He mumbles as he takes a sip without the slightest smile on his handsome face. Tristan can usually get him to smile, but I guess I haven't earned that luxury yet. 

"He's really good at this huh?" I try to spark up conversation as we watch Tris run back to his position on the field. Keesler 22 on his back even though Keesler was just a name he made up for him to hide his true identity as an alpha. 

Mason just nods without saying anything and I toy with my nails as I drink my own hot chocolate. The hot liquid dripping down my throat and burning its way into my chest. Mason runs one of his hands through his fluffy brown curls rested on top of his head and I sigh.

He then leaves his unoccupied on his knee as he awkwardly scratches at his jeans. Seeing the opportunity to fulfill the strong mated desire to touch Mason and be close to him. I slowly reach out, surprising him a little when our hands touch and he gives me an odd look. 

"Sorry," I quickly apologize and take my hand back. I can feel my cheeks heating up as I now wanted to die of embarrassment from the small rejection alone.  

Suddenly I feel the warmth of his arm wrapped around my shoulder as he pulls me a little bit closer. His hand slips into the warmth of my jacket and rests on his mark, causing me to blush harder when he makes small circles on the sensitive skin with his thumb. 

Mason then comes close to me, his forehead pressed against the side of my head as he goes to whisper in my ear. 

"I'm sorry, I know I should be paying more attention to you but I have a lot on my mind with the pack drama and shit," Mason sighs as he kisses my cheek and I feel covered in his warmth. 

"It's okay, I understand," I quickly shrug it off but he holds steady.

"It's not okay Noah, you're my mate and I feel like I barely know who you are," He continues and I tilt my head slightly, kissing the corner of his mouth. 

"I just wish you would try with me as much as you do with Tristan," I shamelessly confess and I can tell my truth hit him hard from the way he stopped breathing. 

"It's not the same Noah. Don't compare our relationship to Tristan," Mason reminds me and I know he has a point but I don't want to agree it's right. 

"Sure, the history is different but that doesn't change the fact you don't even touch me unless I force you to. And yet you're all over him without him saying a word," It hurt so much I just wanted to walk away from him but I know I can't.

I can't give up on him, I can't leave him like I leave everyone else. 

Mason pulls away from me with the loss of his gentle hand rested on his mark sending a small tear down my cheek. 

"Sorry, I just, I-" 

"Let's go," Mason commands and I raise my brow. 

"Go? But we're only halfway through his game," I point out Tristan and Mason starts walking away without me.



Damn, it hurt to write this chapter 

Where do y'all think Mase is taking Noah? 

Also, chapter 40 will be Mason's point of view, but from his perspective. Cause I think you guys need to see all sides of this relationship. 


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