Twenty-Three || Mr. Nice Guy

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"Nnnng, Fucking hell, holy shit," 

I grumble as I awaken to one of the worst hangovers ever. My brain felt numb and the slightest light made me feel as though it was stabbing through my eyeholes. I groaned out loud as I blindly yanked the covers over my face. 

All of my senses were beyond fucked up. 

"You know if you keep this up, you won't have a liver by the time your twenty," 

Which is why I couldn't smell this mother fucking intruder hiding in my room. I painfully open my sore eyes to find his dark forest green eyes watching my every move with a small smirk. 

"Hey, I'm just saying when you need a transplant don't come crying to me okay?" Tristan chuckles as he gently caresses my cheek. It takes everything in my power to push him away. 

"Shut the fuck up, you're giving me a migraine," I groan and he sighs. 

"Why do you drink so much?" he asks as he suddenly plops a trashcan next to me. I don't know what that was for but I don't have the energy to fight him. I don't even have the energy to answer him as I roll onto my back and stare at the moving ceiling. 

"Is it because of me? Can you really not stand the fact you were mated to me?" 

His hits me so hard that suddenly I can feel his pain coming through all at once and I sit up, just barely able to keep myself together as I turn to the trashcan. Only to start throwing up instantly from the wave of Tristan's emotions. 

I want to tell him its not his fault, it never was his fault, and it never will be his fault. But his depression mingled with guilt and anxiety over me, of all people, hurt in ways that made me feel like someone was stabbing me straight through my ribcage and twisting the dagger.  

Unfortunately, since we're mates, I'm feeling this because it is the exact same pain he's currently suffering with as he tries to shrug off his pain like he's fine. 

"I'll be in the kitchen whenever you're done," He sighs, rubbing my back before leaving the room and gently closing the door behind him. 

Cleaning myself up, I take a shower and brush my teeth at the same time. The bile still burning my throat as I changed into sweats and a hoodie. Still feeling like shit as I walked down to the kitchen and shove my hands in my pocket.

Pausing at the second to last step I look over and find Tristan sitting in the kitchen holding his head between his hands. The depressing emotions coursing through his veins hit me hard and I hear a slight sniffle. 

"If only you were here when I tried to keep a plant, your tears could have restored the succulent," I tell him as I walk into the kitchen, turning on the coffee maker. 

"You killed a succulent?" Tristan groans as he wipes his tears while giggling softly. Hearing his laugh, I turned to find him finally smiling just a little bit and seeing him slightly happy warmed my heart in ways I would never understand. 

"Mhmm," I mumble as a sudden popping grabs my attention and I look over to find the toaster had popped out fresh rye bread. 

"I figured you would be hungry after getting sick you know," Tristan mumbles as I pull them out. Confused as to where the bread came from, I open the cabinet to find it filled with snacks I don't remember buying nor have the money for.

"Tristan," I sigh as I rub my fingers over the bridge of my nose. Tristan stays quiet as I pour a cup of coffee and look into the fridge for the creamer to find it fully stocked with anything the pack moms could need.

I held the fridge option just as my Beta's best option became more and more apparent. 

"I think it time we had a talk. How do you like your coffee?" I asked but was surprised when my talkative mate said nothing in return. 

"You know about this mate thing, I've been-" 

Holding the mug I turned my head back only to find Tristan was long gone. 

Not gonna lie, I was a little sad when I realized he was gone. Not that I enjoy his company at all cause that's like impossible, but he's not a bad nuisance to have around. 

"You look like shit," Remy mentions as soon as he walks into the kitchen and smiles when he sees all the food. 

"Damn, who's dick have you been sucking?" He asked as he opened the cabinets to find them fully stocked while I snapped out of it. 

"No ones," I mumble as I butter my toast and take small nibbles while sipping the black coffee.

"We have Captain Berry now? I didn't know it was Christmas," He smirks as he pours himself a bowl. 

"The grocery boy was cute, I helped him carry the stuff in," he admits and I rake my fingers through my hair, worried about Tristan driving off feeling the way he does. 

Tristan come back

I tried to speak to him but I was completely blocked off from our broken connection that needs so much repairing before we can even start talking to each other through links. 

"You also have this stupid smile on your face. Stop that, it's unnatural," Remy continues and I grimace as I smack the back of his head. Suddenly my two best guards, Gemma and Lidya topple into the kitchen and I tense up. 

"Alpha Mason! We have reports of our rival Alpha Tristan entering the pack's territory! How would you like us to attack?" They ask as they bow to me out of respect while catching their breath. 

"You will do nothing," I command and the twins snap their heads up at the same time. God, I hate twins, they really creep me out sometimes. 

"Are you sure? This will make us look weak alpha!" Gemma argues and I growl slightly at her defiance putting her back in her place as she quickly backs away. 

"You know nothing, therefore, you will do nothing so leave," I command and she does as I say but her sister looks up at me with a spark in her eyes like she wants to watch the world burn. 

"You are weak Alpha Mason! I will never bow to you!" She screams before running off with her sister. 

My Beta munches on his cereal like its popcorn and I turn to him. 

"Well that was interesting," I groan as my head starts pounding again and I lean against the counter.

"What am I going to do with him," I sigh as I think of Tristan and now I can't get those evergreen eyes out of my head.

"Fuck him, take his food, accept him as your mate cause he's pretty fucking cute. I dunno you choose," He says and drinks his cereal. 

I tip the bowl up just as he does and splash him with his own milk. 

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