48 || KAILEA

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"Are you sure you're up for this? You don't have to go up there if you don't want to," 

I mention for what was probably the millionth time as Tristan dons his lavender colored traditional island robes. The intricate gold hand-sewn roses by the pack mothers crawled up his sleeve as a symbol of his dedication to serve them. The work itself had taken them an entire month from both sides of our small packs. 

"Of course Mase, besides I would never miss such a momentous occasion," Tristan replies as he looks into the mirror to fix the black broach with our pack's symbol. A single four-sided star with a circle around it. 

"Tristan, please don't do this because you feel like you have to," I remind him and he tilts his head, his dull green eyes staring at me through his reflection. 

"I'm fine Mase. But if you keep looking at me like that I won't be. Just leave it alone please," he asks and I gulp. As his Alpha, I had the authority to force him to go back to our shared bed. But I also know the second I did so, I would lose our shared respect for each other. 

Tristan's bruises had healed when he regained his werewolf powers, but I knew the invisible wounds would never fully heal. Whatever they did to him, said to him, forced him to do, would never leave him.

"How do I look?" He asked as he swept his gorgeous brown hair to the side and turned to face me. I didn't even bother checking out his beautiful handmade robes. Just looking my boyfriend in the eyes I could tell him he was beautiful without exaggerating.

 Even with the strange dull look in his eyes that told me something was desperately wrong with him.

I just wasn't allowed to see it. 

"There's not a single thing about you that I would change," I tell him and I finally breach the wall he was building with his beautiful smile. 

"Thank you, Mase," he sighs and I encompass him in my open arms. Holding my boyfriend so close that I'm pretty sure he was finding it hard to breathe, but I didn't care. 

"Are you nervous?" He asks and I nod without thinking twice. 

"You'll do just fine sweetheart. I'll be right beside you and so will Noah and Remy," He reminds me, wiggling out of my tight embrace just enough to see my face.

"It's gotta be difficult for you too. You're going to lose your alpha title," I fear his resentment, but I'm surprised when he gently kisses my cheek as a symbol of acceptance. 

Today Tristan would renounce his role as alpha in his pack, giving up all his alpha powers and entitlements to me. Of all fucking people. With his power, I'm going to be two times stronger and faster. I will no longer pass for a regular alpha off the street. 

I'll become an alpha prime. 

Able to protect my pack with just my scent alone and virtually unstoppable in every endeavor I strive for. 

"I know you can handle it, Mason. This is what you're destined to do," He reminds me, sliding his hands up and down my own plain black robes. 

"Oh don't tell me you're getting cold feet now," Noah's voice interrupts the two of us and I look past Tris to catch sight of my other mate. Elegantly dressed in his black robes embroidered with red wolves surrounded by flames on the sleeves to stand out from mine. 

"Me? Run away from responsibility? I would never," I joke as Noah comes up beside me and roughly runs his fingers through my well-polished hair. 

"You look a little too perfect for my liking, that's a lot better," He comments and I roll my eyes before stealing a kiss from his perfect lips. 

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