47 || I'm Fine

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"Hey guys, sorry to worry you," 

Tristan chuckled with a smile as he laid down on one of the two hospital beds located in the infirmary section of the packhouse when Mason and I stepped into the room. 

We asked about a million questions when we got here, but his parents outright refused to tell us anything. Saying they promised Tristan they would allow him to tell us himself what happened tonight on his own terms. 

We asked the doctors if he was okay and they said he sustained numerous bruises but they will heal. He will, however, need years of counseling to heal his invisible wounds. 

Mason and I braced ourselves for the worse, expecting to find Tristan in shambles. The precious lunos of our pack broken and battered, not wanting to see us nevermind speak with us. His mates who were useless and unable to protect him from whatever it is that happened. We expected him to lose all trust in his Alpha and his Beta. 

But instead, he's just reading Farenheight 451 with a small smile when we stepped in. Yes, he was bruised on the right side of his face as if he was slammed into something hard, but other than that he seemed normal. 

Eerily normal. 

"I told them to just wait until the morning to get you because I know we have a big day ahead of us with the opening of the packhouse and stuff. But I guess you would have found me when my powers were restored," He says light-heartedly. 

It's worse than I thought
What are you talking about? He's fine
He's in denial Noah. Think about it, they wouldn't have called us here if he was just a little beat up
Well what do you think they did to him? 

Mason and I spoke through our link as we carefully approached our mate.

"You said your powers had to be restored? What happened Tris?" I asked and he shrugged. 

"Ah just some guys on my team were jealous so they drugged me and beat me up, nothing to it really," He quickly explains and I can almost hear the tiger in the back of my mind explode with a level of anger that matched Mason's. 

"They touched you? I swear to the godesses I will kill every last one of them," Mason's low growl told me he was just barely holding on and his wolf would soon make an appearance. Tristan's eyes go wide and he quickly shakes his head.

"Yeah but I'm sure I'll heal as soon as I get my powers back. It's not worth the trouble Mason. Besides, humans hate us enough as it is. I don't want their families and others to come after us with pitchforks," Tristan jokes but I didn't like the way he laughed, how sickeningly pail he became or this strange forced smile he brought to the surface. 

He was building a wall right in front of our eyes.

"What happened Tristan?" I asked again, wanting the truth this time. There has to be more to this story that he's not telling. 

"That was it, I swear," He lies through his teeth and Mason and I look at each other. Both Mason and his wolf were unsure of what to do.

Leave him be for now

I gently suggested and he nodded. The two of us turned back to our sweet mate who looked so lonely as he laid in bed. 

"You said your teammates did this?" Mason asked and I glared at him. Knowing it would be best for us to back off a little. 

"I-I-I-" Tris stuttered slightly and I'm suddenly struck by a sharp pain in my forehead almost as if I've been stabbed in my temple. A blinding light taking hold of me as I'm suddenly surrounded by a cacophony of voices beyond recognition. Pain taking hold of my heart with their angry mass of words seemingly drawing closer and closer until it stops. 

I'm brought back to the real world on my knees with Mason squeezing Tris in his arms. 

"Tris, why won't you tell us what happened?" Mason cries out but Tris shakes his head. 

"If I told you it would destroy us," Tristan mutters under his breath as he snuggles into Mason's shoulder. I sit down on the bed and watch his expression change from one of compassion to completely blank. 

"I think I just need to get some sleep. Everything will be better tomorrow," He nods, and Mason lets him sink into the bed by himself. Both of us watching over him as he stared at the ceiling and said nothing. 

He wasn't even sleeping, just staring out like he was in another world. 

"Oh god, what have they done Mason. What have they done to him?" I ask my other mate who shakes his head as he curls up next to our lost mate and wraps his arm around him. 

I lay down and do the same. Watching his breath rise and fall as he stared upwards, blinking only when necessary before finally closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. 


Grayson's look describes my mood about this chapter 🙃

(Currently he's stealing some of my blanket while I write this chapter)

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(Currently he's stealing some of my blanket while I write this chapter)

Thinking of doing a lil fan art search? Cause I've always wanted to see what other people think my characters look like?

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Thinking of doing a lil fan art search? Cause I've always wanted to see what other people think my characters look like?

I dunno comment if it's something you would do?

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