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"Fucking hell, will this little bastard just come out already!" 

I curse out my unborn son as I uncomfortably plop down on the couch in our room, watching as Tristan adjusts his cap and gown over and over again. The little ones kicking was nonstop at this point and it was the longest werewolf pregnancy the doctor had ever seen, which caused her to suspect Waylon might be a shifter like me. 

"Hey our son isn't a bastard," Mason calls me out as he fixes his tight white button-down shirt. Dressed to the nine like we were attending a wedding or some shit. 

"I don't see a ring on this hand," I hold up my left hand before flipping him off. Unnerved by just being pregnant and I know for a fact I never want to do this again, even if it means being on suppressants for my heat for the rest of my life. 

Or maybe I won't be next. 

Checking out our beautiful Lunos, both Mason and I noticed his body was slowly shifting since the ceremony. It could have been the stress from what happened to him also, but my suspicions would be confirmed soon enough. His muscular figure was becoming softer and no, he wasn't a fatass like me at the moment, but he was definitely gaining in the curves department. 

"If you say things like that you'll jinx it and he'll be born right at the moment you don't want him to," Tristan mentions and I roll my eyes to the ceiling. 

"Then I wouldn't complain, anytime is a good time. I just don't want to do this anymore," I groan and Mason lounges his fancy-ass next to me. Crossing one tailored pant leg over the other as he slipped on his brown leather shoes. 

"Maybe you'll get lucky and your water will break, right as you accept your diploma," Mason smirks and I smack his rock-solid chest. 

"Fuck you, actually fuck the both of you for making me like this," I curse them out just as Waylon shifts again and a small piece of me wants to reach up and yank the little fucker out myself. 

"You know, I hope he comes out soon too because your mood swings are driving me insane," Mason whines and his bitching puts me right over the edge as I turn towards him and suddenly wrap my hands around his throat. 

"You're going insane?! I'll show you insane!" I threaten just as Tristan catches us in the mirror.



"Awww look at you, looking all grown and shit," 

Mom pouts as he pinches my cheek and I smack his hand away. 

"I've always been grown Mom," I huff and dad rolls his eyes while crossing his arms. 

"If that isn't the biggest lie I've ever heard," He mutters and I give him the dirtiest look I could muster in this ugly burgundy colored polyester cap and gown.

"Oh, where's your boyfriend that I've been hearing so much about?" I ask dad, hoping mom and papa would be semi-surprised but it was as if they already knew.

"We'll talk about that later bud, today's your day Noah," Dad quickly diverted the question and I felt a strong hand wrap around my shoulders. 

"Hey guys, where are you sitting? I'll join you," Mason quickly swoops in and I almost hate him for disrupting me while I was trying to talk shit. 

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