Eighteen|| Dead & Gone

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"How do I look?" 

I ask Tristan as he looks up from the bench. I can feel his green-eyed gaze taking in my entire body before answering.

"I think you look the same, maybe slightly cuter with the messy hair and the love bite," He says and I smack his forearm.

"I meant the shirt stupid, does it look to big?" I add specifics this time and he rubs his arm, shaking his head. 

"Not with the blazer on, ready? We were supposed to be back in class fifteen minutes ago. Your brother in law probably thinks we're up to no good," Tristan mentions and I fix my tie. 

"Well for starters he's my EX brother in law and we WERE up to no good," I correct him, gently petting his cheek as I do before walking out ahead of him. 

"Yeah but he doesn't have to no that," Tristan murmurs and I rake my fingers through my hair. 

"Don't worry class president, I won't tell a soul. Don't want to tarnish that perfect reputation too," I hiss and he runs to catch up with me. 

"It has nothing to do with me being class leader Noah, I just don't like people knowing my private life, that's all," He lies through his teeth as we rush through the school's gardens back to class. 

"Oh yeah? Prove it," I huff and suddenly I feel his hand touch mine, our fingers intertwining as he kissed the top of my knuckles and smirked. Other's who were already out of school for the day looked on with curiosity but no one said a word. 

"Happy?" He asked and I blushed out of disbelief. 

Here I was, just meeting this boy today for the first time, having the sexiest afternoon in my entire teenage existence, and instead of being ashamed or thinking I'm some kind of a whore, he's crazy enough to profess he has a thing for me in front of the whole school?

"You've got some nerve," I say as I keep walking, but I don't let go of his hand for a second. I had so many questions for him but none would be answered until I met him in person. 

"You could say that," Tristan adds as he pulls me closer to protect me from bumping into people and the amount of care he takes is kind of unnerving. I've never had any boyfriend or girlfriend show the amount of effort he's displaying right now. 

And he's not even my boyfriend. 

"You go first," Noah whispers as he shoves me into the class and follows after me.

"Ah, look who decided to rejoin the group. How was your tour guide Mr. Jackson?" Sensei Nico asked and I shrugged.

"He was alright sir," I say and I feel Tristan's death glare upon me. 

"Hmm, well I'm sorry you didn't have a better tour, Mr. Jackson. Well class, you have my expectations for tomorrow's homework. I think it's best to end this day a little early and I'll see you tomorrow with our class pup," Sensei nods and our fearless class leader calls the room to attention. 

My class stands with their hands tucked behind their backs as Nico leaves but once he's gone everyone relaxes. 

Everyone being the six students here. 

Ignoring me entirely, the class leaves with the exception of Tristan as he takes his time putting his things away. 

"You gonna trap me in here?" I ask him, finding the smirk form in the corner of his pursed lips.

"Only if you're going to leave without me," He mentions and I roll my eyes, hopping over the knee height tables and definitely leaving without waiting up for him. 

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