Twenty-One || 7 Rings

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"Let's check out this festival huh?"

 I say as I quickly pull away without kissing Tristan, just to keep him on edge. But as I left the car a low, deep, growl grabs my attention and I find myself looking around expecting to find a dog or something.

But there wasn't a single animal in sight. 

The growling had stopped as I closed the car door and Tris came out, joining me on the other side as he laced our fingers together and I aimed us in the direction of the first thing that caught my attention.

Food, no duh.

From this street on the steepest hill in Bridgeport, you could see the sun begin to make its descent across the sky and over the blue ocean so it could disappear into the horizon. I basked in the sun's warm rays as I took a bite of the deep-fried cookie dough bites.

Just walking with Tristan made me realize how strange this country is. In America, if I walked down the street holding Tristan's hand and wearing this outfit, I would get at least three good glares.

But here on the island, it seemed like being gay was just as normal as being straight with an equal ratio of both sexualities mingled into one festival. 

"So what is this festival for?" I asked Tristan as he stole one of the Oreos from my paper bag and kissed my cheek. 

"On the island we celebrate before each changing of the season to ask the gods to bless the island or something religious, but most people just go to get good food and get messed up," He explains and I like the way he rarely curses. It's kind of cute and charming in a way cause I swear all the time. 

"Are you super religious?" I ask and he quickly shakes his head. 

"No, why are you?" He asks and I giggled a little. 

Yes, I fucking giggled cause for some reason he really does that shit to me. 

"I was just asking since I noticed you really don't swear," I mention and he rolls his sparkling green eyes. In the sunset, they were jade in color and somehow managed to make my heart skip a beat with each direct glance. 

"I dunno, it's not that I try not to, I just don't," He shrugs and I respect that. My attention slowly gravitates to the large stage behind us where it was apparently Karaoke night. Some girl was currently on stage singing her heart out to an old One Republic song while getting booed down by the crowd. A set of three androids behind her tried to dance to make her look better than she was but let's just say it was totally cringeworthy. 

"Wow, who told her it was a good idea to go up there," I chuckle as I eat my last oreo and Tristan raises his brow. 

"You think you can do any better?" he asked and I narrowed my eyes in determination, instantly making him wish he had just agreed with me and said nothing. 

"Was that a challenge?" I asked and he quickly shook his head.

"Nope, I'm not going to let my man embarrass himself like that," He tries to be cute but I fight the urge to listen to him. 

But Noah Jackson never backs off from a challenge. 

I let go of his hand and quickly make my way towards the stage, Tristan running after me as I did so. Reaching the nervous MC, I point to the stage and he takes one look at me before waving me past security. Tristan finally catches up to me and grips my arm as to halt me. 

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