43 || If I lose Myself, It's Your damn Fault

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~Matty POV~

"License and registration please," 

The human cop and his fellow android asked when they stepped up to the window of my coupe and I groaned out of pure annoyance. 

"Matthias Grayson, why am I not surprised?" The officer sighed as he scanned my wrist to get my information. It was still strange to hear my maiden name after the divorce but I'm slowly starting to get used to it. To be a Grayson once more made me feel almost...powerful in a sense. 

"Why even bother pulling me over to begin with?" I ask out of spite and the android partner crosses his arm. 

"It is against the law to accelerate your vehicle past the legal speed limit," The android chirps, he always seems excited to see me, unlike his partner which must mean he's new to the job. 

"Is it also against the law to sleep with an android cause yours is pretty cute," I smirk and the human-like android instantly freezes. Brushing his fingers through his blonde hair before attempting to answer. 


"Wanna tell me how you managed to go 210 mph on the highway instead of 60 this time, Mr. Grayson?" The officer cuts him off before he even has the chance to answer and I lean back with a long drawn out sigh.

"What can I say? I was trying to catch a boost," I joke but neither of them laughed. 

"A boost?" The android asked out of confusion and I rolled my eyes. 

"Christ, have neither of you played Mario cart?" I asked but they both looked at me like I was the crazy one. 

"Anyway, shall I add this speeding ticket to the list? If you receive one more I'm going to have to arrest you." The officer tries to jokingly threaten me, cause it's not like he could keep me in jail if he tried.

"Will the android be doing the cuffing? If that's the case I'm down for anything," I wink and the android's puffy lips curl into a smile. 

"I've never arrested someone before," He chirps and the officer shakes his head. 

"Don't make this a habit Mr. Grayson," The officer grunts and I slide my shades back on.

"Not like I'll be here for much longer anyway," I grunt and he raises his brow like he wants to ask but I drive away before he can. 

I shouldn't have said shit.

But I just can't help but open my big mouth now, can I?


"Another speeding ticket Matthias? Seriously? I don't understand," 

My ex-husband questions me as I place the paper bags with the groceries he requested on the table. Luca peers inside as I snatch an apple from one and take an obnoxiously loud bite. 

"What? I like to know what near-death feels like for perspective," I mutter as I chew and he raises his brow in that way he does when he doesn't understand my low balled burns. Moving from hospitalization to formal medical house arrest, the man was making improvements. 

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