Thirty-Five || X-Men Origins

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^Nico & Noah^


"You're looking healthy," 

I compliment Papa as I plop down on the uncomfortable plastic couch and he rolls his pale blue eyes. The life was slowly returning back to them as the days went on and he was finally getting the help he needed. 

"If you're saying I look healthy now, I must have really looked like shit before," He chuckles and I toss my satchel beside me. Going getting out my homework tablet for school before I go back to Tristan's dorm and forget because I have these two mates being stubborn as fuck right now. 

I really just want them to shut up, kiss, and make up already. 

"What can I say? I have my mother's honestly," I use as an excuse while turning on the tablet. 

"Speaking of the devil himself, does he ever visit you?" I have to ask and Papa closes his book on the human brain.

"Yeah, he comes every morning and we have breakfast together, he's been very...gentle. Which is highly unusual for Matthias but I suppose he pittys me," Papa sighs and I shake my head.

"He doesn't pity you, he loves you. What about dad?" I ask next and Papa's gaze wonders, as if to tell me without saying anything that it can't be good. 

"Your father's something else Noah. He's a busy man now with the record lable and I don't want to bother him. Sometimes he comes by with your mother but I feel like he's avoiding me." Papa opens up and a small shred of me holds on to the tiny hope that my three fathers would get back together someday.

 It was just a matter of time. 

"What are you working on?" Papa asks as he tries to change the subject but little did he know it was on the same topic. 

"A family member who's changed or influenced the world in some way. Do you know anyone who would be good for it?" I ask and Papa scratched his chin in deep thought. 

"If you're asking me to choose between your mother and father it depends. Choose your father if you want a solid report about his grammy's and record label. but if you want something interesting choose your mother." Papa gives his best advice and I raise my brow. 

"Why is Mom the interesting one?" I ask and he turns his attention back to me. 

"Your mother never took any shit from anyone. There was a few times where the world wanted to take you and your siblings away from us just because you had three dads. Something about how three men can't raise a child right. Your mom kicked ass, took names, then proceeded to demolish them. They finally left us alone when you were about three," He explains in depth and I whistle. 

"Must have been hell for you guys," I comment as I go to Google my mom, something I've never done before in my eighteen years of living. 

I'm almost scared to enter it. 

"It was, but we never gave up. We couldn't, especially when it came to protecting you and Mika-Ji," He speaks softly and I pause. My heart pounding so hard, I could feel it in my throat. 

"Woah, woah, woah, what do you mean when it came to me?" I asked and Papa's lips curl into a sad smile as he rests his hands on his lap. 

"Noah, you're're different is all," he says and I blink a few times, waiting for him to elaborate but he doesn't. 

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I ask, standing up almost as if I have to defend myself but Papa doesn't seem surprised in the slightest. 

"Noah, sit down," Papa commands but I ignore him, unable to calm down until he tells me what's wrong with me.

"Before your mother had the quads, he had to go through several cycles of IVF, fertility medication, multiple procedures, and doctor appointments. Then suddenly four years after the quads, without ever knowing he was pregnant, he gave birth to you. That's when we knew something had to be off about you so we did some test," He admits and I tense up. 

"Are you saying you and mom aren't my biological parents?" I ask and he looked stunned for a moment. 

"What? No! Of course, we are! I can tell you the exact time, place, and date you were conceived thank you very much and it wa-"

"Okay, gross, shut up!" I stop him before he goes into describing how and where he fucked my mom which was something I never ever in a billion years want to think about. 

"Anyway, you're ours but you're just not... you're not all human," He admits and my mouth drops. 

"What are you saying Papa? That makes no fucking sense, of course I'm human!" I argue like I should know more about myself than he does but he shakes his head. 

"Noah, when you told us you had two mates that were werewolves we never really questioned it. Didn't you wonder why?" He asked and it made more sense than I wanted it to. 

"I'm not a werewolf, my mates would know if I was," I told him, cause now he's the one not making any sense. 

"Of course you're not a werewolf Noah, you're-" I clap my hands over my ears and start packing my shit to get out of here.

"I don't want to hear it! You're speaking nonsense and I'll come back when you stop speaking in bullshit," I ignore him before walking out of his hospital room and slamming the door closed behind me. 


Mason's POV coming next 


Oh! on a different note! My puppy has an instagram if you want to follow him and his adorable self. 

His name is @GraysonAverythecorgi

I pick him up on Oct 27th and I'm so excited and nervous! 

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