Twenty || Weighing The Options

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"What are my options?" 

I ask Remy in a private meeting in my office as I sit at my shitty worn down chair and put my feet up on the cracked wooden desk.

"About Alpha Tristan? Your Ma-"

"Don't say it," I growl deeply and Remy holds up his hands. 

"Fine, option A, you reject Alpha Tristan. But you die within the week and he dies two years later unless he has another mate," Remy explains and I take a long sip of bourbon, letting the intoxicating burn run its course through my throat before slamming the glass down. 

"Option B, you kill him. But that would be against our laws and you would be not only exiled from your own pack as a rogue, but you would leave the Caspian pack without an heir. Starting a war you and I both know we could never win in this condition," Remy lists and I pick at my nails. Damn, I thought killing him might be a good option but not anymore. 

"Option C, you continue taking your medication but leave the island for good and go into hiding in another country. Which would also involve you leaving our pack without an Alpha," Remy always has to add the downside.

"And finally option D, my personal favorite, you accept him, combine the two rival packs into one, one of you becomes Luna and the other becomes the head alpha. I think it's clear which one the goddesses approved of when they paired you two together," My Beta finishes, making it clear which side he's on. 

"Traitor," I huff as I take another sip and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm not a traitor if I feel it's the best option for our pack right now. Mason, look at everyone's condition. With the debt your father left us in, the entire pack is looking to you for guidance but you've been a shadow in your own home. Look at your wrists! Do you think I haven't noticed!" Remy slams his hands against my desk and stands up. 

"Put your selfish differences aside cause you can avoid fate all you want but you can't change it," He grumbles as he goes to leave but stops by the door. 

"I want your answer by the end of this week, have a good day Alpha Mason," He spits out my name like its a poisonous venom and slams the door behind him so hard that it falls off the hinges. 

In a moment of passionate anger, I pick up my heavy glass and throw it across the room where Remy once sat. Shattering it against the wall instantly. 

The thought of my beautiful mates glowing green eyes as he stared at me while leaving like I hadn't done anything to him. Like I wasn't the one who drove him into a depression for three years, like I wasn't the one who kicked him down when he was up, like the deep scar over his left eye wasn't from me. 

How could he even stand me after everything I've done to him? How could he ever love me when I'm barely worth his glorious attention. 

That man is a perfect angel in heaven and I'm a demonic animal living in the slums of hell. 

Being in his arms made me feel like he actually cared, the fact he brought me home and stayed with me only confirmed the fact. 

But I am not worth his care, his attention, or his forgiveness. 

He deserves so much better than me and I'm sure he'll find it once I reject him as my mate. 


Author rubs his hands together and smirks

I'm so happy this book is writing itself cause I missed this feeling. 

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