Thirty-Six || King Noah

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"What did you do!" 

Tristan yells at me as soon as he enters the dorm where I stood in complete shock. The entire dorm was blown about like a monster had come and thrown everything out of proportion. 

But I guess that's Noah for you. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I sighed as I leaned against the couch shirtless and very afraid. I'm so sick and tired of the secrets between us that it's making me anxious.

"What are you talking about? What happened?" He asked, this time more confused instead of accusing as I looked about the room, shivering slightly just from the power alone.

"Did you know?" I asked Tristan and he looked at me like I was talking nonsense. 

"Know what? What are you talking about? Why is everyone being so damn cryptic today?!" Tris yells at me like I did something wrong as he threw down his things and I sucked in a deep breath. 

"Did you know Noah was a shifter?" I asked and he stops dead in his tracks. 


"Oh, where's Tris?"

Noah asked when he came inside the dorm and I shrugged.

"Um, he went to go see his parents too, I think," I mention and Noah nods. Staying as far away from me as possible as he moved to Tristan's bedroom. Shrugging off his uniform jacket and putting his bag down. 

"I don't bite you know," I mention but Noah either couldn't hear me or blatantly ignores me as he takes some clothes from the closet and pauses, gripping the shelf like he's going to fall. I rush up beside him out of concern but he just freezes in place. 

"Hey, you okay?" I ask and he nods while biting his lip. Giving me the feeling he must be lying. 

"I'm fine, just get away from me please," he asks. I nod, respecting his boundaries as I step back from him and he groans.  

"Are you sure? You don't look okay," I mention and he nods again. 

"Yeah, I'm just not feeling all that great is all," he huffs before he walks into the bathroom and closes the door to change.

A part of me was hurt by how defensive he was and another part of me was concerned. We're not mated yet, I can't tell if he's actually in pain from some unknown cause. 

"Um, Noah, I know you don't want to hear this but like, I'm kind of your mate too. You know I would never hurt you right?" I ask and quietly toy with the tips of my fingers as I wait for a response. A loud bang grabs my attention and I knock on the door.

"Noah?" I call out to him but without an answer and a part of me wants to screw his privacy and break down this door. 

 "I'm okay, I just feel a little off is all," He says and I pause. A different smell hits the air and it worries me. It smells like Noah but the smell is heavier and intoxicating.

 Fuck, what is that? 

"Noah," I go to bang on the door again but this time it opens for me to find Noah's face was now a dark blushed red and he was panting, shirtless, and sweating like he ran fifteen miles in the bathroom. 

"Wh-" Before I can say anything he pounced on me like I was his boyfriend. His kiss was hot and aggressive. 

The force from his lips touching mine alone had me slammed into the wall and I was thankful because it was the only thing holding me up right now.

Noah's skin was hot to the touch, his lips were addicting, and his panting was enticing. All together it created on hot mess as the two of us shift with me pinning him to the wall. I growled slightly when he tugged at my hair and he moaned when I gently nipped his lip. Being pressed against him felt so right as we continued to hurt each other while loving each other in ways we would never understand. 

In our first kiss, I felt all his anger, frustration, and pure confusion mingled into our shared emotions as our kiss only got deeper. His nails making indents in my face as he held my chin in the palm of his hand like he wanted to control me. 

And I would have let him in a heartbeat. 

Until my shirt was ripped off by his sheer strength alone and he kicks me so hard in the balls I wouldn't be surprised if they fell off and were rolling on the ground. 

"YOU MATED TRISTAN WITHOUT ME!" A voice that did not sound at all like Noah suddenly boomed like a big voice in the sky and I sucked in my breath. Still dying on the floor from the brutal attack. 

My bare chest couldn't hide Tristan's mark and I knew he would find out some day but not like this. 

"Noah, it's" I stop when I looked up and saw these piercing blue eyes that looked almost neon in the shadows, his canines showing as he grew slightly and he stepped back from me with a bone crunching sound that reverberated across the entire apartment dorm.

"Holy fuck," I muttered under my breath as I watched him transform. 


"And then he just left," 

I explained and Tristan suddenly started running out the door, barely leaving enough time for me to run up beside him and catch up.

"We have to find him!" Tris growled as we started running down the stairs like that would be faster than the elevator.

"Why? We should give him space to at least calm down, he'll be back!" I mention and Tristan stops, snaping towards me with such speed that I slammed into his chest. 

"You didn't have parents so they didn't tell you this or how to watch out for the signs," He starts as he grips my shoulders and gives them a tight squeeze. 

"But our Noah's in heat and if we don't get to him in time, someone else will." 


What animal do you think Noah shifted into? 

I'll give you a clue, it's def not a wolf

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