Thirty-Three || I Thought It Was You

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"I can't stand you two," 

Noah exclaims as he runs his fingers through his wet dirty blonde hair. Tristan stays quiet while he lays in his bed, refusing to move for the past three days with the exception of doing anything absolutely necessary like going to the bathroom or eating.  He even skipped school in the midst of his heartbreak. 

And here I am, the fucking dumbass he hasn't said a word to. 

Noah adjusts his tie as he gets ready for school, gelling back his hair to fit the standards, he looked like a completely different man and I gotta admit I kind of like the private school look. 

"Fucking speak to each other and get over yourselves. I can barely breathe in this place like god damn." He comments as he puts on his shiny black shoes and grabs his leather satchel. 

"I don't want to date either of you in this condition nevermind be mated for life," Noah continues to be dramatic as he stomps around the studio dorm. I barely sit up on the couch, resting against the armrest for support to sit up as I watch him start his coffee. He turns back to the bed where Tris was laying down with his back to me and gets down on his knee. 

"Your eye is looking a little better sweetheart. It's not as bad as yesterday but its still a little swollen. I'll see if I can stop by the store and get you some more of those gell patches okay? Is there anything else you need?" Noah asks. Nodding his head, I could tell Tristan was using their link to speak to Noah instead of saying anything out loud.

"Mmm, okay I'll stop by there after school. I love you," Noah lovingly mutters back to Tris and gently kisses his forehead. He comes back to me and looks me up and down. 

I knew I wasn't nearly as fucked up as Tristan but he didn't even bat an eye at any of my superficial wounds. 

"Need anything?" He asks half-heartedly and I know he doesn't care about me nearly as much as he cares about Tristan, but he doesn't need to be so obvious about it.

"Not if you're gonna be like that," I grunt, ignoring his sass and looking off in the other direction. Trying to avoid staring at my handsome schoolboy for too long cause last time I thought he knocked my brain to another dimension with how hard he smacked the back of my head. 

He laughs a little as I feel his hand on my chin, forcing me to face him as he ruffled my hair back and kissed my cheek. 

"You're so annoying, but I kind of like it," he whispers in my ear and pulls away, going to grab his coffee from the miniature kitchen. 

"Text me if you come up with anything. I'm going to go check on Papa after school so play nice until I get back boys." Noah warns before the door closes behind him with a click as he leaves. 

Unable to move with the pain coming from my gunshot wound, I lay back on the couch and close my eyes to take a short nap. 

Waking up to a soft thud, I slowly open my eyes to find those deep evergreen eyes piercing through my fucking soul and nearly scaring the shit out of me.

"What the fuck Tristan," I groan as I try to calm my racing heart.

"Sorry," He mutters as he looks away from me and I can see the black and blue bruise below his left eye.

"I should get you a bell," I sigh as I rub the bridge of my nose, wincing with pain slightly from the fact it was still healing.

"I'm part dog not cat," He retorts, sitting with his legs crossed on the coffee table with a small blanket wrapped around his shoulders. 

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