Chapter 1

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3rd POV

Charles Xavier woke up with a jolt causing the man sleeping on his couch to wake up. Erik Lehnsherr. Charles gave a heavy sigh. Erik sat up and smiled a bit at the other. Charles couldn't help but smile back. The man on the couch stood up and walked over to the bed. Erik sat down next to his friend. "What's the plan for today, my friend?" Erik asked. 

"We have one more kid to find." Charles responded. "Another one?" "Yes." "Don't we have enough?" "We have four students, Erik." 


Charles led Erik down a hall of an orphanage. The young man's mind was racing slightly. The young girl the pair was looking for, he couldn't tell what the girl's power was. He usually could. Charles scanned each kid's mind as he passed the rooms lined up down the hall. Some had horrid pasts others couldn't remember anything but living in this small, crowded orphanage. Charles has gotten from the manager's mind that there were fifteen children. None of them were the kid they were looking for...  Charles couldn't reach her. He stopped in front of a door and stared at it for a second. 

"Something wrong, my friend?" Erik asked from behind the other man. "I'm... I'm not sure." This response made Erik slightly anxious. Charles reached out and opened the unlocked door. A girl was sitting on a bed, a book in hand. The girl had brown hair with loose curls and light skin. She looked up and backed away ever so slightly. Charles puts his hands in the air. "Hello, sweet child. My name is Charles Xavier. I run a place for gifted children such as yourself. I was wondering if you would like to join my family and leave this place." 

The girl was about thirteen. Her eyes were alert and scanned Charles. She looked at Erik for a second and her eyes softened but she was still suspicious of the two young men in front of her. Charles slowly and carefully raised two fingers to the side of his head to see what he could find out about the girl. 

Nothing. Charles noticed he couldn't hear her thoughts at all. This was new. The girl looked back at Charles, confused. "You said gifted children." Her voice was a balance between soft and scared. "I-I don't have any gifts." The girl's voice went from soft and scared to hurt and sad. Charles understood. The girl hadn't found out about her powers. He assumed she was a telepath of sorts. And am extremely powerful one too. Erik spoke up. "Of course you do. Why else would we be here?" The girl glanced at Erik before looking away. She was silent for a second before. "You know what it is to know that your parents are dead. They didn't even want me when they were alive. I'm nothing more than an orphan girl." 

Erik looked at Charles. Charles examined the girl. "What's your name, child?" He asked. The girl looked him in the eyes. "My name is Sinead." Charles nodded. This girl, Sinead, is extremely powerful. I can't get into her mind. She doesn't know she has these powers and thinks everyone else is the same as her. Charles transferred to his closest friend. Erik nodded ever slightly. "Sinead, you are much more than just an orphan girl. Come with me and Erik and I promise you, I can prove you are greater than what you believe." Sinead finally agreed to be taken to where Charles planned to take her. She knew if something bad did actually come from these two men, then she would have lived her life to the fullest that she could. 

"Why don't you pack your stuff and we will be on our way?" Charles suggests. Sinead grabs her book and a phone with earbuds attached to it. She looked back up at the two to notify them that she was ready. "That's all you have?" Erik asks, taking a look around the room. The room was pretty empty. But she had to have clothes or other stuff! Sinead nodded wearily. It's all she had. The first manager when she first came to the orphanage was super nice to her and told Sinead that she would get whatever Sinead wanted. Sinead asked for a phone with music, earbuds, and a charger. She got it. But not long after, that manager left and along came the worst person in the world to Sinead. 

"What's the real reason you want me to come?" Sinead asked the two males. Charles glances at Erik. Charles raised two fingers to his forehead again as Sinead's book floated out of her hands. With an equal amount of strength, Sinead pulled the book back. The girl easily won. Charles' mouth dropped slightly. Erik coughed into his hand to hide a laugh. 


The flight back to the school for now five kids was silent. As of speaking terms that is. Charles and Erik spent the entire flight talking mentally back and forth. I can't get past her blocking. And she seems incredibly powerful. She's not even trained and she could beat me! Charles was ranting to Erik as Erik tried his best to calm the telepath down. Sinead spent the flight thinking and watching the sky next to her. In truth, Sinead knew she had powers and how to use them to a basic level. She could transfer thoughts and occasionally move things. What she didn't know was that her power could be extremely dangerous. Her power was rare and the mutation was believed to be extinct. But that Science was wrong. If the girl didn't learn to completely control her powers then she could destroy the entire world. 

Finally, the private plane landed and the three got off. Charles sent a mental message to Hank asking him to drive up and get them. Sinead kept to herself as the two males talked verbally. The two weren't that worried that Sinead wasn't talking. It was usual for the newcomer to have millions of questions but also be very awkward whenever they ran out of questions. Hank arrived with a decent car and smiled a bit at Sinead. Sinead smiled back. Charles got into the passengers seat while Erik and Sinead was got into the back of the car. "Sinead, this is Hank, also called Beast" Hank smiled at that. "Hank, this is Sinead." 

"Hi, Sinead. Welcome to the family." Sinead smiled softly and looked out the window. It wasn't the group she was with that made her not want to speak as much. It happened a lot. Sinead was used to not talking and she kind of liked it like that. Erik examined Sinead as the girl looked out the window. There was something about this girl that felt different and off. But in the best way possible. Erik turned and joined Charles and Hank's conversation. "-And Raven is the same. She stayed in her room the entire time you were away. She came out to get some food and to talk to me but no other times." Hank said. Charles nodded once. "How are your projects coming along?" The telepath asked. Hank lit up. "I'm working on serums  that have effects on our mutation. One I'm making is to lower the mutation and in some cases make a person seem... normal. But the other one is used to double the power of the mutation. Making the user twice as strong as before." 

Sinead's eyes snapped to the large woodsy area they were passing. Talk about something different. Anything. Someone is listening. Sinead warned mentally. Charles now sensed the presence too. "Any news on the school trip to the zoo? The kids would love it." Charles said, changing the subject to something random and a lie. Hank caught on. "Yes. We have a few dates that we could choose from." We're good. Charles turned in his seat to look at the girl. "You really are powerful" he muttered. 

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