Chapter 17

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//A few weeks later...\\

"So this Olivia Trask is a full elemental?" Hank asks Charles, amazed. "There hasn't been one in years!" 

Charles nods. "A full elemental but with limited power. Olivia is currently holding a group of mutant kids and using them for experiments. Our job is to go sneak into her base, break out the mutants and bring them here."

The telepathic male turns to Alex. "Scott is there, Alex. I found your brother." Alex becomes shocked. "You-you found Scott?" 


The group of mutants living in the Xavier Mansion all stand in a circle around a table Hank had created while Erik and Sinéad were away. The table showed a 3D map of any place in the world. Right now it was showing a large mansion, even bigger than the one they were standing in.

"So Hank is going to fly the plane and we will be coming at the building from the west-"

The doorbell rang. 

"If we ever want a school, we have to get rid of that." Charles muttered. Sinéad jumped up. "DIBS" The young girl yelled and sprinted at the door. She never got to answer the door. 

With a huge grin still on her face, Sinéad opened the door and froze. 

A thirteen year old boy stood there. His hair was silver and his eyes- Sinéad swore she saw them somewhere but she couldn't tell from what. He looked almost familiar as he had some of the same features as Sinéad. It was a bit creepy.

"Hi... is Charles Xavier here?" The boy asked. Sinéad turned and let him in. Everyone stood frozen, staring at the two kids. 

"Holy shit." Erik said softly. The two looked around, confused. "Marya Maximoff. Is that your mother?" He asked. The boy nodded after a second. 

"I-I'm Peter Maximoff, so yes." 

"Marya... after I left... twins.. one.. orphanage.... oh fuck." 

Sinéad finally understood what was happening. "Erik....?" She turned to Peter. "I think we're twins."

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