Chapter 5

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//trigger: small mention of abuse\\

It had now been a week since Sinead had moved in. She warmed up to the group a bit and went back to her quiet self. Charles and Hank worked together both to see how powerful Sinead was as of now and to study more on Flitch. Sinead kept the kiss to herself, smiling whenever she saw the two together. She knew that they forgot the kiss, both being half-asleep and it amused her. She kept it to herself so she could secretly laugh whenever the two were being cute together. 

Sinead had also became quiet which was how she usually acted. She let the older teens hang out with themselves while the younger girl liked to sit alone and think. Though, sometimes Hank would have her come into his lab and work on some tests with her. She trained a lot. Mostly with Charles, but sometimes with Hank, Erik, or even Raven. Raven, too, had warmed up to the small girl. Raven helped Sinead and the two hung out sometimes to do girl stuff being the only two girls on the team. 

Technically, there's three girls. The third being Moria. Moria was a human with no mutant powers. The woman worked for the CIA and apparently was working to keep everyone in check. Moria didn't know how to react when she met Sinead for the first time. She was a little shocked that Charles and Erik had gone to get yet another mutant especially after the latest attack. 

Sinead had been informed of the current situation. Sebastian Shaw and his group are planing to start WW3 by trying  to shoot missiles at America, Shaw having currently being in Russia. The group knew that Shaw's plan would be happening some time during the next month. She had been told about Charles, Erik and Moria's adventure to find Shaw. 

She was told that instead of finding Shaw, they found Emma Frost. Erik had gone after her and Charles had to go after him. Once Erik and Charles had Emma in their grasp, Charles was able to get into her mind and see what Shaw's plans were. 

Sinead sat on her bed, her phone in her hand. Music was playing in her ears. The music soothes the girl. Sinead sat there on her bed for a minute longer before getting up and going out into the wilderness of the Xavier Mansion. Allowing the voices into her head, Sinead easily found Raven.  

The girl made her way over to the only other female in the household. "Hey, uh.. Raven? I don't think I'm feeling up to going out today.." Raven looked up. "You're n- ok. Is anything up?" Sinead shook her head and went back to her room, not noticing Erik standing behind Raven. 

Raven turned to Erik. "Did I do anything?"

Erik smirked a bit. "No. You didn't do anything that I know of, Raven. The girl is just going through a small thing called puberty. She'll be alright. Just needs a break, I'm guessing." In truth, Erik was slightly nervous about Sinead too. She had missed her training session with Charles earlier that day as well. 

Once Raven had left to go to the gym to weight lift, Erik went straight, or gay whatever you prefer, to Sinead's room. He gave a small knock and opened the door slightly. 

Sinead jumped as she heard the knock and immediately hid her phone even though she had no reason to hide it. She saw Erik peeking in. "Hi?" Erik opened the door wider and let himself in. Silently, he made his way to her bed and sat down. 

"Is everything ok?" 

Sinead shook her head. "No. Why?" 

"You've been kind of distant lately." Erik shrugged. Then an idea popped into Erik's head. "What about instead of staying in your room we could go on a walk together? If you want to." Honestly, Erik had wanted to get to know the girl. Not just to know about her mutation but to get to know the girl personally. 

Whenever Sinead had a lesson with Erik, she wouldn't say much and would just do whatever the man said. 

After a second, Sinead agreed to go. She had been staying mostly in the mansion or her bedroom. If Sinead went outside she would stay around the perimeter of the big house. Erik gave his shark grin and Sinead was reminded of a movie she had watched at the orphanage. He looked a lot like the shark in Finding Nemo. 

"Right now?" She asked. Erik nods once. "If you want to go now, then yes." 

Sinead stood up from her bed. "Let's go tell the others." Erik said. Sinead shook her head. She stood still for a minute sending a mental message to Charles saying she and Erik were going out for a walk and might not be back for a bit. 

Charles sent back a message saying that it was ok. Sinead turned to Erik. "Lead the way" she said to him. Erik nodded and started to walk. 

The two made it outside and Erik led the way to the back of the mansion. He gestured to the trees. "Have you been back here?" He asked. Sinead shook her head. "Charles showed me this path when we first came here. It leads to a beautiful field with a small stream. It's amazing." 

Sinead could almost see Erik and Charles walking together along the path and she could imagine them sitting together on the field talking and looking at the stream.

Apparently, Erik was thinking the same thing because there was a small smile on the man's face. Erik gave a quiet sigh and started walking. "I would have loved this path if I was here as a kid. The nature. The freedom. All I knew was pain, suffering, and watching others suffer alongside with me." 

Sinead gave a small nod, trying to not let Erik's thoughts into her head. She failed as flashbacks filled her head. 

A small Erik being pulled from his family. 

Erik watching his mother die.

Being abused by Sebastian Shaw who was called Klaus Schmidt then. 

Erik's only friend dying in front of him because Erik had disobeyed. 

Suddenly the flashbacks stopped as Erik realized Sinead could see them. 

"I don't remember my family. I was adopted once. Ellie, my adopted parents' daughter was five years older than me. She abused me behind her parents' back. One day, it got out of control. I accidentally set a fire bolt at her. It killed her. Her parents were furious. They sent me back to the orphanage and I stayed in my room only coming out for food and to use the bathroom." Sinead said. 

The two walked the rest of the way to the field in silence, the pain of their pasts in their heads. Erik stopped at the entrance of the field. He looked up at the blue sky. Erik turned to Sinead. "I'm sorry" he whispered. His arm flew out and back at Sinead. A split second later, a hand-sized piece of metal came flying at the girl and knocking her back into a bush. The metal hit her on the head, throwing her to the ground behind the bush. 

The piece of metal keeps the girl on the ground while another piece flies at her mouth, stopping her from yelling out. 

Erik steps out onto the field. A helicopter lands on the field and soldiers come out and cuffed Erik, bringing him back into the helicopter. Erik looked back at Sinead and mouthed 'I'm sorry' again. 

The helicopter took off and flew out of sight. The pieces of metal fell to the ground, leaving Sinead confused and alarmed. 

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