Chapter 6

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Sinead stood up. Erik was... gone? He left. Just like that. Why? Why would he leave her? Did he intend to leave when he asked her to come along? Was it all a plan? Sinead's mind was racing. 

Sinead, I don't know if you can hear me. I hope you can. There was never a plan for me to leave you. I had no idea this was going to happen. I saw the helicopter and realized the danger I was putting you in. I know that where ever they are taking me, I'll stay alive. For you. For Charles. For the X-Men. I have never wanted to go with them. I still don't. I don't want to leave my family. Tell Charles I lo-

Erik must've been too far away because his mental message to the girl stopped. Or maybe he was knocked out. Or- no. He couldn't be. 

Sinead stood over the bush in silence. He didn't want to leave, then. They had to get him back! But how? She needed help. 

Sinead's breathing started to increase as her mind traveled through the possibilities of what could happen to Erik. Before her mind went full panic mode, Sinead sent her own message to Charles. 

C-Charles.. help... p-please

Charles' head jerked up as he received the message from Sinead. He was working with Sean and trying to level out the boy's mutation with glass. Charles immediately started to look through the girl's mind to see what was happening. He discovered that Erik had been taken away. 

Hank, get the jet ready. We have to go. Charles ordered Hank mentally. Being a telepath is helpful, isn't it? 

"Alex. Get the others and bring them to Hank's jet. We're going to save Erik." 


Sinead, not knowing if they were coming or if Charles had received her message, curled up into a ball. The path was too long for her to travel without fully panicking. It's better out than it, right? Sinead's panic was fueled by worry for Erik. She didn't want him hurt or killed. She didn't know what they were going to do to him. 

Minutes passed. It was about thirty minutes later, that Sinead felt her hair begin to blow. She looked up and saw a small jet hovering 300 feet in the air. It was able to fit fifty people at most. The jet slowly sank to the ground and Sinead's group of friends came rushing out.

Sinead was still sobbing on the grass. The girl was having a panic attack. Charles, after a couple attempts from everyone else, finally reached out his hand and placed it on the girl's head. A second later, Sinead was asleep. 

Charles picked the small girl up and brought her back into the jet. He placed two fingers to his forehead. "34.25291 N, 83.56163 W exact." Charles said. The coordinations of where Erik is. 

The telepath looked down at the girl in his arms. His mind found his way into hers. Charles saw the horrid past of Sinead. The murder of Ellie, the abuse from the deceased girl, the pain, the suffering. The loneliness. 

Charles was shocked by how much Sinead interacted with people. The amount being the size of a tissue box. This made sense as Sinead had been quiet, but Charles thought she was just adjusting to life in his mansion. 

The ride there was in silence. No one knew what they were about to face or how to face them. They were not prepared at all. 

The jet dropped once as Hank yelled back "Sorry! Turbulence!" The drop had woken Sinead up. Sinead looked around confused before she remembered what had happened. 

"Charles! Erik-!" 

"Shhh. Sinead. Everything's under control, ok? We're on our way to get Erik," Charles said. He had placed Sinead next to him in the seat between himself and Raven. 

"Just breathe" Raven told the young girl. Sinead obeyed and took a couple breaths before leaning on Raven's shoulder, still tired. Raven was surprised by this move but she stroked the younger girl's hair gently and reassuringly. 

Eventually, they made it to where they were keeping Erik. Hank landed the jet away from the large building. 

The group got out quickly and made it to the bushes that surrounded the building. They noticed that soldiers were stationed around the building, guarding it with guns. "The soldiers are 50/50. Half of them are mutants. Half of them aren't."  Charles whispered. 

"How do we get in?" Alex asked. 

"The bigger question is where are they keeping Erik?" 

Charles raised two fingers to his temple and scanned the building in front of the group. Nothing. Just like the first three times he had tried. Charles ran a hand through his hair. "He's here. I know it." Raven put a hand on his back. "We're going to find him, don't worry." Sinead turned slowly to Charles, confusion in her facial expression. "I found him." She said quietly. The professor let out a breath. "Where is he? Is he ok? Sinead's eyes went back to the building in front of them. "He's alive." Charles started to get up from the group's hiding spot. Raven stopped him. "Can you get all the guards?" Charles looked Sinead in the eyes.

 "We can." Sinead understood. The two telepaths both raised two fingers to their temples to intensify their powers (though this was unnecessary for Sinead) and put all the guards that they could sense temporarily to sleep. The group of six darted up and out of their hiding spot. It was a weird group. Hank and Raven both in their blue and true forms, Sinead and Charles both scanning the building, Alex and Sean with their slightly different suits from the others.

They are different. But they are family. 

What Sinead and Charles didn't expect was another set of guards waiting inside for them. This round was 100% mutants. 

And one of the mutants was a Psionipath, a mutant who can control force fields. The psionpath put up a mental shield so Sinead and Charles couldn't get in to the mutant guards' heads. 

Well what the psionpath thought would block out the two telepaths. But when you are facing two of the most powerful telepaths in the world, never underestimate them. After about three seconds, the two broke through the shield. 

Alex set a blast at the group, knocking the mutants back. They ran forward and into the large building. 

One thing that wasn't noticed was one of the mutants were working her power. The mutant had jet black hair and grey eyes. She was an illusionist. 

Without knowing it, Sinead and the group of mutants went different ways. The female mutant did her job with splitting up the young girl and the small group. 

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