Chapter 10

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Erik entered the kitchen, the next morning, where Alex and Sean were sitting. "Boys." He greeted roughly. "Any idea where Charles is?" He asked. Alex and Sean exchanged glances before pointing upstairs. 

Erik, after thanking the boys, made his way upstairs. He heard soft voices coming from Sinéad's room and recognized Charles' voice as one of them. He took the partly open door and moved it so he could look in.

Charles, Raven, and Hank were surrounding Sinéad's bed. The girl was now sitting up with her back against the head board of the bed. 

"Everything alright?" Erik asked causing everyone to turn. Charles gave a sad, small smile. "Well yes but actually no." He said. 

Erik tilted his head a bit. And then he noticed how pale Sinéad was. "Are you sick, Sinéad?" He asked. 

Sinéad looked at Charles to answer for her. Charles sighed. "Yesterday, when Sinéad woke up, we realized her powers have been enhanced to their full level. Before yesterday, the voices inside her head were soft, quiet, and bearable. Now, not so much." 

"How did this happen?" 

"When we were at the mansion, saving you. When Sinead had gotten separated from us, she encountered the owner Jared Stryker. William Stryker's twin. She panicked and flew a bolt at him. This bolt was worse than the one that hit Charles because she was panicked. The blast was too strong and ended up killing him." Hank explained. 

Charles continued for him. "Jeremy Sader, also known as Flitch, had her mutation. Sader was believed to be the last of this kin. He was an advanced telepath with a side ability. Like others with that mutation, his mutation only got to it's full level of power when he first killed." 

Erik looked at Sinéad. "Will you come to Cuba?" 

"Cuba?" Poor Sinéad had been overwhelmed by her advanced mutation and everyone else had been trying to help soothe the girl, that they forgot to mention the plan. 

Erik turned to Charles. "You haven't told her?" Charles shook his head. 

"Were going to go to Cuba to stop Shaw. If he crosses the line with a Russian ship, it's going to cause world war three." 

Sinéad looked at Hank and Charles. "Do you think I'll be able to go?"

Charles and Hank both hesitated. 

"I'd say if you are careful with your mutation then you can come." Raven says, speaking up. Sinéad smiles at her before looking at Hank and Charles. 


After checking to make sure Sinéad is feeling better, Hank, Charles, and Erik all leave the room. Raven hesitates about following them. 

"Hey, Sinéad?"

The girl looks up at Raven. "Yeah?" 

"I think it's time I show you my mutation." 

Sinéad looks at Raven. "Alright.." 

Raven nods. The older female is worried about showing Sinéad her mutation, not knowing if this would make the smaller girl hate her. Raven didn't know how accepting Sinéad was. She could just hope that things turned out alright. Raven took a breath. 

Without breaking eye contact, Raven transforms into her blue self. Clothes on, after what had happened last night. 

Sinéad was shocked. Raven then transformed into the smaller girl and mimicked her shocked look. Raven grinned as Sinéad burst out laughing. Raven turned back to her blue self. "Raven! You look beautiful like that!" Sinéad pauses. "Why do you hide?" 

"Well. Most people aren't as excepting as you." 

Sinéad nods. Before standing up. She sways slightly but finds her balance. "I heard Erik, very loudly, think that we are going to leave soon. We should probably get ready." Raven nodded. 

When the two girls made it downstairs, they noticed that Moria had arrived and was waiting for the two to get there. 

"Right." Charles started. "Now. Should we all try and get Hank out of his lab before he blows something up?" He joked. 

As one, the group made their way down to Hank's lab. There was a sign on the door reading 'Already with the jet. Check the box labeled x' 

Charles yanked the note off the door and opened the door. He took a step before everyone stopped. The lab was a mess. Tables, papers, chairs, and supplies was scattered throughout the lab. "He must've actually blown something up." Erik mutters. 

Charles gives him a side glance before stepping over the scattered supplies and making his way to a large white box. Moria, Erik, and the kids followed him. Charles reached out and opened the box. Inside the box was seven yellow suits tucked inside of seven different bags. Each bag had a label on it bearing someone's name. 

"Hank has been busy." Alex notes. The group exchanges glances before diving at the bag with their name on it. 

Charles looked at everyone. "Let's suit up."

Sinéad's suit was way smaller than everyone else's. But it fit. She sighed and went to join the others. Everyone else was dressed in the same suit but in a bigger version. 

It was a short distance to get to where Hank was keeping the jet. He was keeping it in what looked like a really large shed or farm. Except instead of animals and food, the building was filled with computers and a large jet. 

When the group got there, the first thing everyone noticed was the huge jet. It looked very enhanced and probably took a lot of work to create. 

"Where's Hank?" Raven was the first to ask what was on everyone's mind. Sinéad and Charles heard Hank before he entered the building. They both turned just before a voice called out "I'm Heere." The shadow of Hank looked different. 

He looked more buff than he had been the day before. And slightly taller. But that was before Hank came into the light. 

"The serum didn't work. It only enhanced the genes. Before: I could only transform into.. this for an hour. Now, it seems I'm stuck." Hank said. 

Everyone squinted slightly to get a good look at Hank before, one by one, their eyes widened. Raven gave a small sigh. "Hank, it did work. You now can be you. No more hiding." The female gave a smile. 

Hank nodded slightly. Erik spoke up. "You look great." Hank's blue arm shot out at Erik's throat and grabbed him tightly. The sudden movement made Sinéad jump. That and the panicked voices that rang out in everyone's head. 

"Hank. Put him down." Charles ordered. Hank didn't listen. "Hank." Hank looked over at Charles, growled, and dropped Erik. 

Erik fell to the ground and the small girl was next to him to make sure he was alright. Hank scowled at Erik. "Don't you dare mock me." Erik coughed slightly and looked up, serious. "I wasn't." 

Moria gave a dramatic sigh to get everyone's attention. "We have 136 minutes before the ship passes the Cuban border line." She announced, bringing everyone back to the current situation. 

Sean looked up at the jet. "Can you fly this thing?" He asked Hank. 

Hank looked at him. "Of course I can. I built it."

//We are almost at the good part. Once again, I'm sorry for the not super, mega, foxy, awesome, hot chapters. They are going to get better. 

I thank you all who got that reference. 

Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals! Peace out. 

Or see you on the next chapter depending on how fast you read this after I publish it. 


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