Chapter 13

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Erik slowly put the helmet on and Charles and Sinéad's voices both disappeared. Erik takes a step towards Shaw. "If you're in there, I want you to know I agree with every word you said. We are the future." 

The metal controlling man turned. "Unfortunately for you, you killed my mother." He held up a coin. The coin Shaw had given him years ago. Erik smirked. "I'm going to count to three and move this coin." 

Sinéad was silent. She was shocked by Erik's move. Charles was still trying to hold on when he knew Erik was gone. 

Charles laced the jet. "Erik.. no don't do this." The telepath was almost in tears. "Please, Erik.." 




Charles let out a scream of pain. Sinéad jumped to his side, expecting him to lower his two fingers. He never did. Charles dropped to his knees. "Charles!" 

Sinéad bent down beside her mentor, looking concerned. Charles looked at her. "He did it. He killed Sebastian Shaw." He said quietly. 

With help from Moria, Sinéad lifted Charles up and the three went outside. Charles ran into the beach, Sinéad and Moria following close behind. He stopped. On the opposite side of the beach, Erik was exiting the submarine. Shaw's arms were spread out. The dead man floated two feet off the ground and dropped down to the sand. 

"Today." Erik started loudly. "Our fighting stops." Everyone was watching him. Azazel had taken a step towards Shaw to see if he was alive. He wasn't. Erik rose off the ground and landed in the middle of the beach. Three groups surrounded him.

The first one contained Angel, Azazel, and Janos. 

The second had Raven, Sean, Alex, and Hank. 

The third was Moria, Sinéad, and Charles. 

"Why don't you understand? The real enemy is out there." Erik pointed to the sea where ships from the US and Russia were lined up opposite of each other. "I can feel their guns moving in the water. Their weapons. All targeting us." 

"Humans. United in their fear of the unknown, they stand as our enemies." Erik looked over at Charles. "Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong." 

Charles put two fingers to his temple and scanned the surrounding areas. Erik was right. The humans were targeting them.

The telepath looked over at Moria and nodded. Moria ran off to the jet. She came back two minutes later, shaking her head. She couldn't get to any of them to tell them that the beach was secure. 


Sinéad heard bangs and saw the misses being shot at the beach. She was terrified. She didn't want to die. 

Erik raised his arm and stopped the incoming missiles. The nuclear missiles froze and slowly turned back to their shooters. 

"Erik.. you said yourself we are the better men! This is how you prove it." Charles said to Erik. "Please. Stop. You'll be killing thousands of men. Good, innocent men. Who are just following orders." 

Erik turned to Charles. "I've been at the mercy of men following orders. Never again." Erik made a fist with his outstretched hand and then released it, sending the missiles flying back at the ships. 

"Erik! Release them!" Charles shouted. Erik didn't listen. Charles growled and then charged at Erik, knocking him down. The missiles began to fall, some exploding. 

The two began to wrestle. "I don't want to hurt you, Charles." Erik growled. "Don't make me." He threw an elbow out that hit Charles in the face. Charles grunted and Erik to the chance to regain control of the remaining missiles. 

Sinéad looked over at her friends. They had started to walk towards Erik to aid Charles in the fighting. She was about to join them when they got knocked back by Erik. Sinéad ran over to them and helped them up. 

"Erik, stop!" Charles yelled. Erik then punched Charles in the face. Charles let out an 'oof'. Erik jumped up and thrust a hand at the missiles. He had lost control of them to send Raven, Alex, Sean, and Hank flying back. 

Then, a bang was heard. Everyone turned to see Moria with a gun in her hand, shooting at Erik. Erik gave her a 'really?' look and began to stop any bullets from hitting him while also keeping the missiles in the air. 

Erik's hand swiped right at a bullet. The bullet flew to Erik's right and missed Erik but hit Charles in the back. Charles let out a scream.

The metal controlling mutant let go of the missiles as Charles fell to the ground. Erik ran and picked up Charles. His hand went to the spot where he had been shot. Erik did a picking-up motion and the bucket rose from Charles' back. 

"This was their plan" Erik said gruffly. "Us turning on each other. I tried to warn you." Erik paused. "I want you by my side. We want the same thing!" 

Charles shook his head lightly. "My friend, we do not want the same thing."

Erik looked at Charles for a minute before looking up and beckoning Moria over. Moria ran over and took Charles from Erik's arms. "Charles. Oh my god, Charles. I'm so sorry." 

Erik stood up. "If society won't accept us. We make our own. The humans have played their hand." Erik stretches out his arm to signal towards the two rows of ships. "Now it's time we played ours. Who's with me?" Erik's eyes landed on Raven. He held out a hand. "No more hiding." He said to her.

Raven started to walk forward, leaving Sinéad who had been huddling behind her, alone. The blue female kept her eyes on Erik before changing her glance and direction she was walking. 

Raven bent down next to Charles. Charles looked up at her, breathing heavily and deeply to try and ease the pain. "You- you should go with him. It's what you want." Raven looked down at her adopted brother. "I thought you promised to never read my mind, Charles?" She asked. 

Charles let out a pained chuckle. "There are many things I promised you. And yet so few I know I can keep." Raven leaned down and kissed Charles' forehead. Charles took her hands and kissed them. Goodbye, Raven. He said mentally to her. 

Raven stood up and took Erik's hand. 

Erik's eyes landed on Sinéad. "Sinéad, come with me." He says softly. Sinéad hesitates, her eyes on Charles. Charles looks back at her. You're going, aren't you? He asks her mentally. 

Charles had never wanted anyone to leave. He always thought they could be a family. A family of outcasts. But... Erik, he had always wanted to leave. Charles was surprised he had even stayed that long. Raven, she had been on the fence about leaving. She wanted to explore the world instead of staying with Charles and building protection from the world. 

But if Sinéad left... Charles wouldn't have anything that reminded him of his love. 

I'll watch Erik. And Raven, too. I will come home. Eventually. I promise. Sinéad broke eye contact with Charles and moved to the other side of Erik. 

Erik glanced at Azazel, Janos, and Angel. The three of them moved to Erik's side and formed a line. The line went Sinéad, Erik, Raven, Angel, Janos, and Azazel. 

Goodbye, Charles. Thank you for giving me my first true home. 

Erik nodded at Azazel. There was a loud crack and they were gone. 

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