Chapter 4

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Charles woke up a good ten hours later. It was now pitch-dark outside. Around midnight. He had a terrible headache and his neck hurt a bit, but he was going to live. Charles turned his head slightly and saw Erik. Erik was asleep and breathing calmly. Charles' face went red as he remembered what had happened earlier. Charles had been half-asleep when he asked Erik to stay with him. The telepath realized that he probably won't be able o fall back to sleep. So he did what anyone would do and got up to get a midnight snack. Somehow, Charles managed to get up without waking Erik. Apparently, Erik is a deep sleeper. 

Charles stumbled out of his room and to the kitchen. To his surprise, Sinead was sitting at the table, trying, still, to control her emotions. Guilt, confusion, pain, more guilt, fear, anxiety, and did I mention guilt? Small, quiet sobs occasionally escapes the poor girl. It had been a day and she didn't know if she should stay. She hurt Charles. And with Hank telling her that her mutation is extremely close to the strongest mutation in the world and being the same mutation as one of the world's worst villains. Sinead didn't notice Charles as she continued to sob quietly. 

Why are you still up? Charles asked mentally to the fellow telepath. Sinead jumped and her neck snapped up to see Charles. Her eyes red and puffy once again. "C-can't sleep?" She answered trying to lie. Charles raised an eyebrow at her. "You know, guilt isn't always a bad thing". Sinead looked at him. "Can you finally hear my thoughts?" The girl asked quietly. Charles smiled softly. "You're a quiet thinker takes a lot of work to" Sinead shrugged. "Yours are loud. And easy to hear." 

Charles smiled a bit. "Did Hank find anything useful?" Sinead nodded. "Apparently this was this guy called the Flitch and I, according to Hank, have a close replica of his mutation." Charles' eyes widened slightly. He knew of Flitch and he knew his mutation. He had spent a lot of time studying Flitch and knew he was incredibly powerful. He knew that Flitch could destroy everything in the universe with one blast.

This gave Charles two options. 

One: he could erase her memories or change them so she didn't remember that she could destroy the world and everyone on it. Or two: train the girl with caution and just hope that she doesn't make her way to the bad side of things. And then a third option. Lock the poor girl up and let her never see the sun again. The third one was the worst option. Obviously.

"Erm.. Charles?" Charles looked up. "Oh sorry." Sinead put her arms on the table and leaned forward. "Can I just say that your thoughts are really loud when your concerned?" Charles' neck snapped up. "I'm sorry Sinead. I forgot that you're a telepath too."

"I didn't." Sinead said coldly. 

Charles closed his mouth. Before speaking once more. "Do you know how to play chess?" Sinead shook her head. "Want to learn?" Sinead hesitated for a second before nodding. "Sure." Charles smiles a bit and gets up. "It's in the library." Charles led the way to the library with Sinead following him silently. They arrived at the library and sat down in front of both ends of the chess board. Sinead In Erik's usual place and Charles in his own. 

Charles re-set the board. "I'll go easy on you," he said while setting up. Sinead nodded. Charles finished setting up and the two started the gayme. Charles explained the game rules and each pieces' job. Sinead understood the first time around. Eventually after a lot of explaining of the rules, the two started the midnight game of chess. "Whoever plays the white pieces go first," Charles explains as he moved one of the pawns once. 

//I have no idea how to play chess.\\

Sinead made her move. She moved one of her own pawns. Back and fourth, the two played at the game. A few hours passed and the two played into the very, very early hours of the day. It was around 2:00a.m. When the game stopped resulting in a draw when Sinead had claimed she was tired. Sinead made her way to her new room and grabbed her phone and earbuds. She turned the phone on and started up her playlist of music. 

Charles somehow had to manage to get back to bed without waking Erik up. Charles face went red again when he saw Erik. Erik was curled up slightly, the blankets thrown to the side. Charles smiles at the sight and gently made his way back into bed trying not to wake the other up. There was a small groan as Erik opened his eyes a bit. Charles froze. But Erik just wrapped his arms around Charles pulling him down. Erik turned Charles so the two were facing each other. Erik, half asleep, leaned in connecting his lips with the telepaths. It was a soft kiss and only lasted a second or too. Charles was red. Erik broke the kiss and went back to sleep, arms wrapped around Charles. Charles fell asleep about 2.3 seconds after Erik. 

Both would wake up with bright red faces and no memory of the kiss.  But someone did have a memory of it. Sinead had been eavesdropping, both Erik and Charles' thoughts bothering her. Sinead's mind was different from the other telepaths. Her mind only allowed thoughts of people she knew in. 

//I know this one is a little short. We're getting to the first conflict. Yes there is going to be more than one conflicts.\\

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