Chapter 14

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Eight months had passed since Cuba. Things had definitely changed. 

After Sinéad, Erik, and Raven left, Charles realized that he couldn't move his legs. He was paralyzed thighs down. Alex, Sean, and Hank had become caretakers for Charles. 

Erik had retrieved the telepath Emma Frost. 

Sinéad had changed a lot too. Instead of down, the girl now wore her hair in a tight braid that was usually brought over her shoulder. Her eyes had turned fierce with experience. With help from Emma, Sinéad gained a bit more control over her ability. She also discovered that she could break into telepathic force fields such as Erik's helmet. But she never mentioned that part to anyone. 

Sinéad, Raven, and Erik had become friends-in a way- of the Hellfire Club members. 

The young telepath had become close friends with Raven and Emma. Emma was usually harsh, cold, and distant from everyone. Except for Raven and Sinéad. Sinéad suspected that Emma had a crush on Raven, hence why she was so nice to her. Sinéad was correct in suspecting this. And the feelings were mutual. Emma had taken to Sinéad because she knew what it was like to be a young telepath with confusing abilities.

The thirteen year old girl had learned more about controlling of her mutation than she could have thought of and could easily overpower Frost, but refused to even try. Sinéad could break through boundaries. She first tried with Raven, who had a talent in keeping mutants out. She broke into Raven's mind. Then she went to Emma. With Emma, she first tried Emma's natural blocking system. She got passed that. 

Then Sinéad tried Emma's crystal form. She got passed that. 

Sinéad also had discovered that she had the gift of healing. This, although random, came in handy while on any missions. The Hellfire Club had had only a few missions in which one member would get hurt. Sinéad would practice this whenever she got hurt. Even a small paper cut. Of course, now that she had this ability, no one was getting hurt so she couldn't practice. Not that this was a bad thing! Just, the little time she had to practice this ability, made her easily forget that she had it in the first place. 

But then there was Erik. 

Erik had become distant from the group. He usually stayed in his room. The group had gone to stay at one of Shaw's safe houses. Erik always kept his helmet on. He didn't know that the small girl he lived with could easily break through and read his mind. 

Sinéad slipped into a sweatshirt Janos had bought her. It was black and had a symbol of a character she found she liked in a YouTube series. The symbol was a purple cloud with a lightning bolt coming from it. 

She put  the hoodie over her head and walked downstairs. Raven and Emma were off doing lord knows what for a week. Azazel and Janos were doing the same but separately. Erik was staying in his room. 

The telepath looked back and forth to make sure nobody was there. With that, she grabbed the doorknob, turned it, opened the door, and left the building. She closed the door behind her with a small click. 

Sinéad walked to the city of New York. It was about a ten minute walk. She had walked the path many times. Sinéad made it to the city and hoped onto a bus labeled Winchester. She gave the bus driver money and found a seat. 

She took out the phone she still had and played her music. Weird, random, music that no one would get if she explained it to anyone, blasted in her ears. 

Eventually, the bus got to Winchester. It stopped in the center of town. The Xavier Mansion was at the edge of the town, in a more quieter area. With her white, large headphones labeled "L" and "R" still on her ears, the teen made her way down the street. Sinéad found herself looking around the town, memories attacking her. Most were hers. Not all of them, though. 

Sinéad and Raven looking around that clothes store. 

Erik taking her to ice cream as a secret treat. 

Running around the park with Alex and Sean, acting like children. 

...Charles meeting his step-father for the first time in front of the church. 

Raven and Charles' adventures at the bar. 

Sinéad made it to the street in which the mansion was on. She took a breath and slowly walked down the street to the gate that guarded the building. The telepath looked at the sign on the gate. 'Private property, keep out'. 

Ignoring the sign, Sinéad opened the gate to her old home and walk down the long driveway. It was the first time she would be seeing the rest of her family. She was excited to return. But at the same time, guilt was overwhelming her. She had left the rest of her family. She had left Charles laying on the ground, a bullet wound in his back. 

Sinéad looked up at the mansion. A few lights were on signaling that people were in the house. Sinéad lowered the hood of her hoodie and made her way to the door. She opened the door slightly and peaked in. Sinéad couldn't help but smile as she saw that everything looked the same. 

Opening the door wider, Sinéad stepped inside. She looked around and froze when she saw a person. The man was distracted a book in his hand. He was standing against the wall, not seeing the girl. 

Sinéad caught her breath. 

"Hank?" She asked softly. Hank's neck snapped up. "Sinéad?!" He gave her a wide smile. He moved the book and placed it on a nearby table. "Oh my god, you look so different!" He cried. "In a good way-!"

Sinéad grinned. "It's lovely to be home. Look, Hank... I'm so so sorry about leaving-." Hank interrupted her. "No. It's fine. You did what you did. What's done is done." His face went stern. 

"Er... can I see Charles?" Sinéad asked. She was most eager to talk to him. She wanted to know how he was doing. She wanted to tell him that Raven and Erik were doing fine. Of course, she also wanted to say hello to her family and even Moria, if she was around.  

Hank shook his head wildly. "No. I don't think that's a good idea." Sinéad looked at him. "Why not?" She asked. "He— he's been having a bit of trouble without you, Raven, or Erik." Sinéad crosses her arms. "Let me see him." 

"No. I can't."

Sinéad huffed. "Where is he?" 

Hank, unable to stop himself, answered mentally. The library or his room. Sinéad gave a small nod. With a quick wave of her hand, Hank's feet were stuck to the floor. 

"I'm sorry, Hank. But I have to see him." With that, Sinéad made her way upstairs. First she checked Charles bedroom. Her mind went to the time Erik and Charles kissed, both half-asleep. So no one but her knew that it happened. 

He wasn't in there. 

Next, Sinéad checked the library. Her heart stopped when she looked in the room. 

Charles sat in his chair, staring at the chess board, a drink in his hand. The chess board hadn't been re-set and showed the ongoing tie of the two. The drink in Charles' hand was almost empty. A bottle of whiskey sat next to the male telepath. The bottle was half empty. 

Worst of all, Charles looked like a mess. 

His hair was outgrown and raggedy which matched a new beard. His skin was paler than usual and he looked rather skinny. 

"Charles..." Sinéad's voice was quiet. Charles looked up. His pupils were big showing that he had been drinking. A lot. He looked tired, with bags under his eyes.


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