Chapter 2

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Sinead looked up at the castle-like building in front of her. It was huge! "Should I go and get everyone, Professor?" Hank asked. Charles nodded. Hank raced ahead and into the main doors of the building. "Welcome home," Erik said. Charles gave him a side glance with a small smile. Erik considered this place home. Hank came back shortly with three others following me him. "This is her?" The only other girl asked. They were all older than Sinead by at least six years. The girl had long blonde hair. Charles gave a sigh. "Yes. This is her." 

"She's a kid!" The blonde female snapped. "Like we all once were. Sinead is very powerful and if she does not get trained..." Charles trailed off. "You look like a kid too, Raven." Erik said cooly. Raven huffed. Charles turned to Sinead, "This is Alex." A kid with dirty blonde hair and a leather jacket covering a red shirt, "And Sean" a boy with a grey sweatshirt covering a grey button up shirt with red curl hair. "And you've met Raven." Sinead smiled a bit and the three young adults smiled back. 

"Hank, could you show Sinead to her room, please?" Hank nodded. He beckoned from Sinead to follow him into the school. Sinead did. Hank led her down a hallway up some stairs and to the right. The school was huge. 

Outside the school, Charles turned to Erik. "I think a game of chess would be nice, if you are down." Erik nodded immediately. He didn't know if Charles just wanted a break or he had something to talk about. Charles dismissed the others and led Erik into the school and up to the second floor. 

Both men may or may not have a crush on the other. Erik loved Charles' eyes and the way he was an obvious leader. How the youngsters all looked up to him as a mentor and a friend. He was careful to not think about those things when around the shorter man. Erik was terrified of what would happen is Charles caught Erik thinking about him. Charles liked how the taller male seemed all serious and dark but was actually quite kind and smart. The two walked together to the library where a set of chess was waiting for them on a table. The two sat down in their usual spots and placed the players in the starting position. Erik made the first move. "Is everything alright?" The telepath's chin was resting on his hand and his elbow on the table next to the chess set. 

"There something about this girl that but I can't figure out what. Her powers are crazy powerful. I don't understand how she could be that powerful." He moved one of his pieces. "Are you jealous that you found a telepath more powerful than you?" Erik asked with a small smirk on his face. Charles rolled his perfect blue eyes (in Erik's opinion) playfully. Erik smirked as he made his next move. "She's just too powerful. As in her mutation is not natural. I should ask Hank about this." 

Sinead sat down on the twin sized bed in a small room. It was nice and cozy. She put her book down on a small table next to the bed and her phone on her lap. She looked up and saw Hank examining her. "What's your mutation?" Innocent Sinead asked. Hank became rigid for a second before shaking his head. "Mine doesn't come out unless is has to. And as of now, it has a mind of its own." Sinead looked at him, confused. Hank shuffles his feet. He looks down and takes his shoes off. "I can show you a small part of it, though." He takes his socks off revealing two mutated things that looked like a cross between hands and feet. Sinead started at them for a second before looking up at Hank. A smile was on her face. 

Not a making fun of smile, but a kind one. "They're amazing." Hank smiles a bit. "You'll see the rest and worst part of my mutation later." Hank paused for a second before sitting on Sinead's bed. "You're some sort of telepath, right?" Sinead nodded a bit. "Have you trained." Sinead took a second. "I've figure out how to use them but I haven't trained." Hank tilted his head slightly. "Won't don't you show me what you can do?" 

Sinead nodded slightly. She reached her hand out toward a small cabinet, her goal to move it. Instead, a red light blasted from the palm of her hand, destroy the cabinet. But the bolt had divided into two. One exploding the cabinet the other disappearing through the wall. 

Erik made his next move. The game wasn't getting anywhere and would probably get nowhere for a while. Erik and Charles were a great match and were fun to watch play. Until three hours later when the game would still be going. As of now, the two men were only about five minutes into the game. Erik looked up just in time from the game to see a bolt of red come from behind Charles. But he was too late to warn the other. Charles let out a loud gasp as the bolt his neck. Half a second later, Charles' body was uncontrollably thrashing every where. Erik was panicking. Suddenly, the thrashing stopped and Charles fell limp, his eyes closed. 


"Charles? Answer me!" 

"Holy fuck. Wake up. This isn't funny!" 

"Charles? Help. Someone help! Please!!"

Sinead and Hank both turned to Erik yelling down the hall. Toward where the missing bolt had gone. They shared a quick look before racing out of the room and into the library. Erik was shaking Charles trying to get him to wake up. Tears were racing down his face. Hank rushed over to check the dear professor's pulse. It was there but it was slow. Sinead's eyes were locked on Charles. Had she done this? Was it her fault Charles was hurt? Her gaze turned and met Erik's. Sinead and Erik stood there for a second looking at each other before Sinead turned and ran back to her room. She pushed pass the three other students who were coming up to check on what was happening. 

It was her fault Charles was hurt. 

Sinead threw herself at the twin bed landing on top of it. She curled up facing away from the door so she didn't notice when the door opened and someone walked in.

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